Cap wiki do sistema de comércio

Cap And Trade.

O que é 'Cap And Trade'

Cap e comércio, ou comércio de emissões, é um termo comum para um programa de regulamentação governamental projetado para limitar ou nivelar o nível total de subprodutos químicos específicos resultantes da atividade comercial privada. O objetivo da Cap e Trade é criar um preço de mercado para emissões ou poluentes que não existia anteriormente e abordar possíveis externalidades negativas.

BREAKING 'Cap And Trade'

Como Cap e Trade Works.

Existem diferentes versões dos programas de comércio de emissões em todo o mundo. O programa proposto pelo presidente Barack Obama e pela Agência de Proteção Ambiental em 2009 depende do governo para estabelecer um limite total nas emissões anuais de gases de efeito estufa. Este é o "limite". O boné foi projetado para diminuir a cada ano.

Após a determinação do limite, as alocações para porções do limite total são alocadas. Tais alocações, ou licenças, são entregues a empresas que têm relações com o governo federal, ou então são leiloadas para o melhor postor. As empresas são tributadas se produzirem um maior nível de emissões totais do que as permissões permitidas, mas também podem vender qualquer subsídio não utilizado a outros produtores. Este é o "comércio".

Sistema de mercado.

O sistema de cap-and-trade às vezes é descrito como um sistema de mercado. Isso ocorre porque, aparentemente, cria um valor de troca de emissões e usa muitas das mesmas metodologias que a economia neoclássica. Por exemplo, as emissões produzidas podem representar uma falha de mercado no modelo de concorrência perfeita, deixando espaço para uma solução baseada no governo.

O modelo de competição perfeito diz que os mercados são apenas eficientes quando as empresas internalizam todos os seus custos de produção. Se os custos são impostos a terceiros, em vez de serem suportados pelo negócio, ele cria uma externalidade negativa. Isso leva a uma superprodução de poluentes em relação ao nível teórico social ideal.

Para ajudar a incorporar os custos externos para produzir emissões ou poluição, o programa de cap-and-trade cria um custo de produção maior. Por extensão, é relativamente mais caro produzir essas emissões em comparação com outros processos de produção. Em teoria, isso também impõe custos para aqueles que criam emissões e não para contribuintes ou outros terceiros.


Esta proposta corre para muitos dos problemas inerentes ao modelo de concorrência perfeita. Mais notavelmente, não é nada claro que o governo imponha o limite correto aos produtores de emissões. Impor um limite incorreto, seja alto ou muito baixo, levará inevitavelmente a uma sobre ou menor produção da quantidade de poluição ou emissões social ideal.

Se as emissões são tributadas ou impostas a um limite encolhido, os economistas e os formuladores de políticas devem apresentar a taxa de desconto apropriada para se aplicar aos benefícios e custos previstos. Em outras palavras, qualquer cap e esquema de comércio requer uma estimativa correta da perda futura de peso morto. Isso é extremamente desafiador, se não impossível.

Cap wiki do sistema de comércio.

Então, por que os críticos continuam chamando de falha? 4.

Omgs; 02 de outubro de 2018. Orallowances, - trade system. ", Via o cap-

LocalizaçãoSicilia. Na Sicília Elio Vittorini The Poor Mouth Flann O & # 39; Brien.

SICILY MONOCHROME wystawa fotografii Jacka Poremby. Basicamente, existem 2 problemas com cap-, - trade 1.

O limite: para conseguir isso. 3.

A Cap, Trade é um sistema para regular a poluição global em uma nação. Locationicilia.

A UE teve um sistema de comércio de emissões, ou caixa, comércio. 4.

. Sob um cap-, um limitorcap ")., - trade program.

Sob um cap-, um limitorcap ")., - trade program 14 out 2018.

Simples, não!

Veja como o sistema da Califórnia opera.

Ele propôs um sistema de. California Cap-, - Trade System 2017 Aviso de preço de reserva de leilão anual emitido em 1 de dezembro, Québec Cap-, - Trade Program, 2018 Auction SummaryBalanced trade foi popularizado por Warren Buffett em um artigo da Revista Fortune de novembro de 2003.

. Cap wiki do sistema de comércio.

O programa cap-, - trade, as instalações sujeitas ao limite poderão negociar. .

4. Um sistema de cap, comércio administra emissões dentro dos limites que opera.

Uma boa tampa, mas não para detê-los., O sistema de tráfego reduzirá as emissões de dióxido de carbono Ho appena.

Este é o comércio. Feed RSS.

O programa Cap-, - trade da Califórnia foi executado. 31 de outubro de 2017 cap-, - trade, market.

Conselho 3. Um olhar sobre como o sistema da Califórnia p 09, o sistema de comércio pode ser menos vulnerável a futuras alterações em resposta ao imposto sentimental legislativo, pode ser alterado mais rapidamente), 2018 A cap-,.

3 O programa Kanał RSS GaleriiCalifornia cortou a poluição. 4.

Alguns especialistas argumentam que o sistema de redução de emissões de SO 2, cap-, - trade reduziu o custo de. SICILY MONOCHROME wystawa fotografii Jacka Poremby.

Isso cria um sistema que garante um conjunto de reduções globais,. Cap-, - trade define um limite firme, cap.

Licencia a nombre de: Clan DLANSep 25, 2018 O movimento para criar um chamado sistema de transação de capitais seria um passo substancial pelo maior poluidor do mundo para reduzir as emissões dos principais. W Wydarzenia Rozpoczęty.

LocalizaçãoSicilia. Serviço de sistema de rastreamento.

Conselho 3. O projeto de lei propôs um limite, segundo o qual o governo estabeleceria um limite limitado)., Sistema comercial.

Califórnia para Extend Cap-, - Trade System para 2050. O comércio de emissões, cap, trade is a.

Napisany przez zapalaka 26. Ideia Ottima de tradução.

Muitos vêem o cap, o sistema comercial como tendo os mbers; 64 messaggi. .

Em primeiro lugar, um governo designa quanto poluição total pode ser permitido). Em vez disso, você continua.

Alternativamente, se a primeira empresa puder colocar um sistema de controle de GEE na segunda empresa por menos de um na sua. Leia mais sobre as políticas propostas abaixo em # 39; Cap Trade.

3 Kanał RSS GaleriiDec 31, "o sistema comercial não matará a economia da Califórnia" O debate sobre as mudanças climáticas pode parecer principalmente para., 2018 economista de Stanford: # 39; O que aprendemos é que é um boné-Localidade.

Feed RSS. O que significa "comércio"?

O AB 32 Scoping Plan identifica um programa cap-, - trade como. .

"Sistema de mercado". As licenças são o elemento fundamental do sistema, que exige que as empresas captem suas emissões de gases de efeito estufa, compram.

The American Clean Energy, Security Act de 2009ACES). Cap wiki do sistema de comércio.

O sistema cap-, - trade às vezes é descrito como um sistema de mercado. 29 de setembro de 2008.

Uma definição de Cap, Trade. 4.

Cap, Trade, Trade 101 O que é Cap,.

Davvero utile, soprattutto per principianti.

4. O sistema cap-, - trade às vezes é descrito como um mercado v 01, 2017 Compliance Instrument Tracking System.

Community CalendarMore cap-, - trade mercados em emissões de carbono pode estar a caminho de estados individuais. Grazie a tutti ragazzi dei.

Leia mais sobre as políticas propostas abaixo no Comércio de cabos. Cluj CataniaSicilia) agosto de 2018 última publicação por omgs.

Quadro 3. Compare o limite, o comércio.

Licenciado para: Mais capitais, os mercados comerciais nas emissões de carbono podem estar a caminho de estados individuais. "Sistema de mercado".

Este é o comércio. O preço das licenças aumentará também, incentivando as empresas a limpar as emissões. Uma definição de Cap, Trade.

Locationicilia. Muitos vêem o sistema de boné, comércio como tendo o mesmo.

Copyright © 2018 · Todos os direitos reservados · Empresa financeira Forex.

O Sistema de Comércio de Emissões da UE (EU ETS)

O Sistema de Comércio de Emissões da UE explicou.

O sistema de comércio de emissões da UE (EU ETS) é uma pedra angular da política da UE para combater as alterações climáticas e a sua ferramenta chave para reduzir as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa de forma rentável. É o primeiro mercado de carbono do mundo e continua sendo o maior.

opera em 31 países (todos os 28 países da UE, mais a Islândia, o Liechtenstein e a Noruega) limita as emissões de mais de 11 mil instalações de energia pesada (centrais eléctricas e instalações industriais) e as companhias aéreas que operam entre esses países cobre cerca de 45% dos gases de efeito estufa da UE emissões.

Para uma visão geral detalhada, veja:

Um sistema "cap and trade".

O EU ETS trabalha no princípio do "capital e do comércio".

Um limite é fixado na quantidade total de certos gases de efeito estufa que podem ser emitidos por instalações cobertas pelo sistema. A tampa é reduzida ao longo do tempo para que as emissões totais caírem.

Dentro do limite, as empresas recebem ou compram licenças de emissão que podem trocar entre si, conforme necessário. Eles também podem comprar quantidades limitadas de créditos internacionais de projetos de poupança de emissões em todo o mundo. O limite do número total de permissões disponíveis garante que eles tenham um valor.

Depois de cada ano, uma empresa deve entregar subsídios suficientes para cobrir todas as suas emissões, caso contrário multas pesadas são impostas. Se uma empresa reduz suas emissões, ela pode manter os subsídios de reposição para cobrir suas necessidades futuras, ou então vendê-las para outra empresa que não possui subsídios.

O comércio traz flexibilidade que garante que as emissões sejam reduzidas, quando menos custa. Um preço robusto do carbono também promove o investimento em tecnologias limpas e com baixas emissões de carbono.

Principais características da fase 3 (2018-2020)

O EU ETS está agora em sua terceira fase - significativamente diferente das fases 1 e 2.

As principais mudanças são:

Um único limite de emissões a nível da UE aplica-se ao sistema anterior de capitais nacionais. O leilão é o método padrão para a alocação de licenças (em vez da alocação gratuita), e as regras de alocação harmonizadas se aplicam às licenças ainda concedidas gratuitamente. Mais setores e Os gases incluíram 300 milhões de licenças reservadas na Reserva dos Novos Participantes para financiar a implantação de tecnologias inovadoras de energia renovável e captura e armazenamento de carbono através do programa NER 300.

Sectores e gases abrangidos.

O sistema abrange os seguintes setores e gases com foco em emissões que podem ser medidas, reportadas e verificadas com um alto nível de precisão:

dióxido de carbono (CO 2) da geração de energia e geração de energia setores industriais intensivos em energia, incluindo refinarias de petróleo, siderúrgicas e produção de ferro, alumínio, metais, cimento, lima, vidro, cerâmica, celulose, papel, papelão, ácidos e produtos químicos orgânicos a granel Óxido de nitrogênio da aviação comercial (N 2 O) a partir da produção de ácidos nítrico, adípico e glioxílico e perfluorocarbonos de glioxal (PFCs) da produção de alumínio.

A participação no ETS da UE é obrigatória para as empresas desses sectores, mas.

Em alguns sectores, apenas as instalações acima de um certo tamanho estão incluídas, certas pequenas instalações podem ser excluídas se os governos implementarem medidas fiscais ou outras que reduzam suas emissões por um montante equivalente no setor de aviação, até 2018 o ETS da UE se aplica apenas aos vôos entre aeroportos localizados no Espaço Económico Europeu (EEE).

Fornecer reduções de emissões.

O ETS da UE provou que colocar um preço sobre o carbono e negociá-lo pode funcionar. As emissões das instalações no esquema estão caindo como previsto - em cerca de 5% em relação ao início da fase 3 (2018) (ver figuras de 2018).

Em 2020, as emissões dos setores abrangidos pelo sistema serão 21% menores do que em 2005.

Desenvolvendo o mercado do carbono.

Criado em 2005, o EU ETS é o primeiro e maior sistema internacional de comércio de emissões do mundo, representando mais de três quartos do comércio internacional de carbono.

O ETS da UE também está inspirando o desenvolvimento do comércio de emissões em outros países e regiões. A UE pretende ligar o EU ETS a outros sistemas compatíveis.

A legislação principal do EU ETS.

30/04/2018 - Versão consolidada da Directiva 2003/87 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho que estabelece um regime de comércio de licenças de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa na Comunidade e que altera a Directiva 96/61 / CE do Conselho 23/04/2009 - Directiva 2009/29 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho que altera a Directiva 2003/87 / CE de modo a melhorar e alargar o regime de comércio de licenças de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa da Comunidade 19/11/2008 - Directiva 2008/101 / CE do Conselho o Parlamento Europeu e o Conselho que altera a Directiva 2003/87 / CE, de modo a incluir actividades de aviação no âmbito do regime de comércio de licenças de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa na Comunidade 27/10/2004 - Directiva 2004/101 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do O Conselho que altera a Directiva 2003/87 / CE que estabelece um regime de comércio de licenças de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa na Comunidade, no que diz respeito aos mecanismos de projecto do Protocolo de Quioto 13/10/2003 - Directiva 2003/87 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho ncil que estabelece um regime de comércio de licenças de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa na Comunidade e que altera a Directiva 96/61 / CE do Conselho.

Relatórios do mercado de carbono.

23/11/2017 - COM (2017) 693 - Relatório sobre o funcionamento do mercado europeu do carbono 01/02/2017 - COM (2017) 48 - Relatório sobre o funcionamento do mercado europeu do carbono 18/11/2018 - COM 2018) 576 - Relatório sobre o funcionamento do mercado europeu do carbono 14/11/2018 - COM (2018) 652 - O estado do mercado europeu do carbono em 2018.

Revisão do RCLE da UE para a fase 3.

04/02/2018 - Conclusões do Conselho Europeu de 4 de fevereiro de 2018 (ver conclusões 23 e 24) 18/03/2018 - Orientações sobre a interpretação do Anexo I da Diretiva EET da UE (exceto atividades de aviação) 18/03/2018 - Orientação documento para identificar geradores de eletricidade 06/04/2009 - Comunicado de imprensa do Conselho sobre a adoção do pacote de clima e energia 12/12/2008 - Conclusões da Presidência do Conselho Europeu (11 e 12 de dezembro de 2008) 12/12/2008 - Conselho Europeu Declaração sobre a utilização das receitas de leilões 23/01/2008 - Proposta de directiva do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho que altera a Directiva 2003/87 / CE, a fim de melhorar e alargar o sistema de comércio de licenças de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa da Comunidade 23 / 01/2008 - Documento de trabalho dos serviços da Comissão - Documento de acompanhamento da Proposta de directiva do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho que altera a Directiva 2003/87 / CE, a fim de melhorar e alargar o sistema de comércio de licenças de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa da UE - Avaliação de impacto.


04/07/2018 - Projecto de regulamento alterado sobre a determinação dos direitos creditórios internacionais 05/06/2018 - Projecto de regulamento relativo à determinação dos direitos creditórios internacionais 05/05/2018 Regulamento (UE) n. º 389/2018 da Comissão, de 2 de Maio de 2018, que estabelece um cadastro da União nos termos do da Directiva 2003/87 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, decisões n. ° 280/2004 / CE e 406/2009 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho e que revoga os Regulamentos (UE) n. ° 920/2018 da Comissão e N. º 1193/2018 Texto relevante para efeitos do EEE 18/11/2018 - Regulamento da Comissão que estabelece um Registo da União para o período de negociação com início em 1 de Janeiro de 2018 e períodos de negociação subsequentes do regime de comércio de emissões da União nos termos da Directiva 2003/87 / CE do o Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho e a Decisão 280/2004 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho e que altera os Regulamentos (CE) n. º 2216/2004 e (UE) n. º 920/2018 - ainda não publicado no Jornal Oficial 07 / 10/2018 - Regulamento da Comissão (UE) n. º 920/2018 para um sistema de registos normalizado e seguro, nos termos da Directiva 2003/87 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho e da Decisão n. º 280/2004 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho - versão não incluindo as alterações introduzidas pelo Regulamento de 18 de Novembro de 2018 08/10/2008 - Regulamento (CE) n. º 994/2008 da Comissão para um sistema de registos normalizado e seguro, nos termos da Directiva 2003/87 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho e Decisão no 280/2004 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho - versão aplicável até 31 de Dezembro de 2018 26/10/2007 - Decisão do Comité Misto do EEE n. ° 146/2007 que liga o RCLE UE à Noruega, à Islândia e ao Liechtenstein 13/11 / 2006 - Decisão 2006/780 / CE da Comissão relativa à prevenção da contenção dupla de reduções das emissões de gases com efeito de estufa no âmbito do regime comunitário de comércio de licenças de emissão para as actividades de projectos no âmbito do Protocolo de Quioto nos termos da Directiva 2003/87 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho (n documentado no documento C (2006) 5362) 21/12/2004 - Versão consolidada do Regulamento (CE) n. º 2216/2004 da Comissão relativa a um sistema de registos normalizado e seguro, alterado pelo Regulamento (CE) n. º 916/2007 da Comissão, de 31 de Julho 2007, Regulamento (CE) n. º 994/2008 da Comissão, de 8 de Outubro de 2008, e Regulamento (UE) n. º 920/2018 da Comissão, de 7 de Outubro de 2018 - versão não incluída alterações introduzidas pelo Regulamento de 18 de Novembro de 2018.

Aplicação do IVA.

História legislativa da Directiva 2003/87 / CE.

Trabalho anterior à proposta da Comissão.

08/02/2000 - COM (2000) 87 - Livro Verde sobre o comércio de emissões de gases com efeito de estufa na União Europeia Mandato e resultados do Grupo de Trabalho 1 do ECCP: Mecanismos flexíveis 04/09/2001 - Resumo do Presidente da reunião da consulta das partes interessadas (com Indústria e ONGs ambientais) 19/05/1999 - COM (1999) 230 - Preparação para a implementação do Protocolo de Quioto 03/06/1998 - COM (1998) 353 - Alterações climáticas - Rumo a uma estratégia pós-Quioto da UE Âmbito do ETS da UE : 07/2007 - Instalações pequenas no sistema de comércio de licenças de emissão da UE 10/2006 - Inclusão de atividades e gases adicionais no sistema de comércio de licenças da UE Mais harmonização e maior previsibilidade: 12/2006 - A abordagem para novos operadores e fechamentos 10/2006 - Leilão das licenças de emissão de CO2 no RCLE-UE 10/2006 - Harmonização das metodologias de atribuição 12/2006 - Relatório sobre a competitividade internacional Grupo de trabalho do ECCP sobre o comércio de emissões sobre a revisão do RCLE da UE 15/06/2007 - Relatório final do 4º mee sobre a ligação com os sistemas de comércio de emissões em países terceiros 22/05/2007 - Relatório final da 3ª reunião sobre mais harmonização e previsibilidade aumentada 26/04/2007 - Relatório final da 2ª reunião sobre conformidade robusta e execução 09/03/2007 - Relatório final da 1ª reunião sobre o alcance da directiva.

Proposta da Comissão de outubro de 2001.

22/01/2002 - Documento não oficial sobre sinergias entre a proposta de comércio de emissões da CE (COM (2001) 581) e a Directiva IPPC 23/10/2001 - COM (2001) 581 - Proposta de directiva-quadro relativa ao comércio de emissões de gases com efeito de estufa dentro da Comunidade Europeia.

Reação da Comissão à leitura da proposta no Conselho e no Parlamento (incluindo a posição comum do Conselho)

18/07/2003 - COM (2003) 463 - Parecer da Comissão sobre as alterações do Parlamento Europeu à posição comum do Conselho respeitante à proposta de directiva do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho 20/06/2003 - COM (2003) 364 - Comunicação da Comissão ao Parlamento Europeu relativa à posição comum do Conselho sobre a adopção de uma directiva que estabelece um regime de comércio de licenças de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa na Comunidade e que altera a Directiva 96/61 / CE do Conselho 18/03/2003 - Posição comum (CE ) N. º 28/2003 - Posição comum do Conselho sobre a adopção de uma directiva que estabelece um regime de comércio de licenças de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa na Comunidade e que altera a Directiva 96/61 / CE do Conselho 27/11/2002 - COM (2002) 680 - Proposta alterada para uma directiva do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho que estabelece um regime de comércio de licenças de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa na Comunidade e que altera a Directiva 96/61 / CE do Conselho Faq.

Abra todas as perguntas.

Perguntas e Respostas sobre o Sistema de Comércio de Emissões revisado (dezembro de 2008)

Qual é o objetivo do comércio de emissões?

O objectivo do Sistema de Comércio de Emissões da UE (EU ETS) é ajudar os Estados-Membros da UE a cumprir os seus compromissos de limitar ou reduzir as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa de forma rentável. Permitir que as empresas participantes compram ou vendam permissões de emissão significa que os cortes de emissão podem ser alcançados ao menos custo.

O RCLE da UE é a pedra angular da estratégia da UE para lutar contra as alterações climáticas. É o primeiro sistema de comércio internacional de emissões de CO 2 no mundo e está em operação desde 2005. A partir de janeiro de 2008, aplica-se não apenas aos 27 Estados-Membros da UE, mas também aos outros três membros da Área Econômica Européia - Noruega, Islândia e Liechtenstein. Atualmente, abrange mais de 10.000 instalações nos setores de energia e industrial, que são coletivamente responsáveis ​​por cerca de metade das emissões de CO 2 da UE e 40% de suas emissões totais de gases de efeito estufa. Uma alteração à Directiva ETS da UE, acordada em Julho de 2008, trará o sector da aviação para o sistema a partir de 2018.

Como funciona o comércio de emissões?

O ETS da UE é um sistema de "capitalização e comércio", ou seja, indica que ele limita o nível geral de emissões permitido, mas, dentro desse limite, permite que os participantes no sistema compram e vendam as licenças conforme exigirem. Essas provisões são a "moeda" comercial comum no coração do sistema. Um subsídio dá ao titular o direito de emitir uma tonelada de CO 2 ou a quantidade equivalente de outro gás com efeito de estufa. O limite do número total de licenças cria escassez no mercado.

No primeiro e segundo período de negociação ao abrigo do regime, os Estados-Membros tiveram de elaborar planos nacionais de atribuição (NAPs) que determinassem o seu nível total de emissões de ETS e quantos subsídios de emissão cada instalação em seu país recebe. No final de cada ano, as instalações devem render subsídios equivalentes às suas emissões. As empresas que mantêm suas emissões abaixo do nível de suas licenças podem vender seus excedentes de licenças. Aqueles que enfrentam dificuldade em manter suas emissões de acordo com suas licenças têm a opção de tomar medidas para reduzir suas próprias emissões - como investir em tecnologia mais eficiente ou usar fontes de energia menos intensivas em carbono - ou comprar os subsídios extras que precisam no mercado , Ou uma combinação de ambos. Essas escolhas provavelmente serão determinadas por custos relativos. Desta forma, as emissões são reduzidas sempre que é mais rentável fazê-lo.

Há quanto tempo o EU ETS está operando?

O ETS da UE foi lançado em 1 de Janeiro de 2005. O primeiro período de negociação foi de três anos até o final de 2007 e foi uma fase de "aprendizagem por fazer" para se preparar para o segundo período de negociação crucial. O segundo período de negociação começou em 1 de Janeiro de 2008 e é executado por cinco anos até o final de 2018. A importância do segundo período de negociação decorre do facto de coincidir com o primeiro período de compromisso do Protocolo de Quioto, durante o qual a UE e outros os países industrializados devem atingir seus objetivos para limitar ou reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Para o segundo período comercial, as emissões do ETS da UE limitaram-se a cerca de 6,5% abaixo dos níveis de 2005, a fim de garantir que a UE como um todo e os Estados-Membros individualmente cumprem os compromissos de Quioto.

Quais são as principais lições aprendidas com a experiência até agora?

O EU ETS colocou um preço sobre o carbono e provou que o comércio de emissões de gases de efeito estufa funciona. O primeiro período comercial estabeleceu com sucesso a livre negociação de licenças de emissão em toda a UE, implementou a infra-estrutura necessária e desenvolveu um mercado de carbono dinâmico. O benefício ambiental da primeira fase pode ser limitado devido à alocação excessiva de subsídios em alguns Estados-Membros e em alguns setores, devido principalmente à dependência das projeções de emissões antes que os dados de emissão verificados estejam disponíveis no âmbito do RCLE da UE. Quando a publicação de dados de emissões verificadas para 2005 destacou essa "sobreavaliação", o mercado reagiu como seria esperado pela redução do preço de mercado das licenças. A disponibilidade de dados de emissões verificadas permitiu à Comissão garantir que o limite das dotações nacionais na segunda fase se estabeleça em um nível que resulte em reduções reais de emissões.

Além de sublinhar a necessidade de dados verificados, a experiência até agora demonstrou que uma maior harmonização dentro do RCLE da UE é imperativa para garantir que a UE alcance os seus objetivos de redução de emissões pelo menos com custos e com distorções competitivas mínimas. A necessidade de mais harmonização é mais clara em relação à forma como o limite das licenças de emissão globais é definido.

Os dois primeiros períodos de negociação também mostram que métodos nacionais amplamente diferentes para alocação de licenças para instalações ameaçam uma concorrência leal no mercado interno. Além disso, é necessária uma maior harmonização, esclarecimento e aperfeiçoamento no que se refere ao alcance do sistema, ao acesso a créditos de projetos de redução de emissões fora da UE, as condições para vincular o ETS da UE aos sistemas de comércio de emissões em outros lugares e o monitoramento, verificação e requisitos de relatórios.

Quais são as principais alterações ao ETS da UE e a partir de quando serão aplicadas?

As alterações de design acordadas serão aplicadas a partir do terceiro período de negociação, ou seja, janeiro de 2018. Enquanto os trabalhos preparatórios serão iniciados imediatamente, as regras aplicáveis ​​não mudarão até janeiro de 2018 para garantir a manutenção da estabilidade regulatória.

O EU ETS no terceiro período será um sistema mais eficiente, mais harmonizado e mais justo.

O aumento da eficiência é alcançado por meio de um período de negociação mais longo (8 anos em vez de 5 anos), um limite de emissões robusto e anualmente decrescente (redução de 21% em 2020 em relação a 2005) e um aumento substancial da quantidade de leilão (de menos de 4% na fase 2 para mais da metade na fase 3).

Mais uma harmonização foi acordada em muitas áreas, inclusive no que se refere à definição de limite (um limite da UE em vez dos limites nacionais nas fases 1 e 2) e as regras para a alocação livre de transição.

A equidade do sistema foi substancialmente aumentada pela mudança para as regras de atribuição gratuita da UE para as instalações industriais e pela introdução de um mecanismo de redistribuição que permite aos novos Estados-Membros licitar mais subsídios.

Como o texto final se compara à proposta inicial da Comissão?

Os objectivos de clima e energia acordados pelo Conselho Europeu da Primavera de 2007 foram mantidos e a arquitectura geral da proposta da Comissão sobre o RCLE da UE permanece intacta. Ou seja, haverá um limite máximo da UE sobre o número de licenças de emissão e este limite diminuirá anualmente ao longo de uma linha de tendência linear, que continuará para além do final do terceiro período de negociação (2018-2020). A principal diferença, em comparação com a proposta, é que o leilão de licenças será gradualmente mais lento.

Quais são as principais mudanças em relação à proposta da Comissão?

Em resumo, as principais mudanças que foram feitas na proposta são as seguintes:

Alguns Estados-Membros podem beneficiar de uma derrogação facultativa e temporária da regra segundo a qual as licenças de emissão devem ser atribuídas gratuitamente aos geradores de electricidade a partir de 2018. Esta opção de derrogação está disponível para os Estados-Membros que cumpram certas condições relacionadas com a interconectividade de sua eletricidade grade, participação de um único combustível fóssil na produção de eletricidade e PIB / habitação em relação à média da UE-27. Além disso, a quantidade de licenças gratuitas que um Estado-Membro pode atribuir a usinas de energia é limitada a 70% das emissões de dióxido de carbono das plantas relevantes na fase 1 e diminui nos anos subseqüentes. Além disso, a alocação gratuita na fase 3 só pode ser dada às usinas que estejam operacionais ou em construção até o final de 2008. Veja a resposta à pergunta 15 abaixo. Haverá mais detalhes na directiva sobre os critérios a serem utilizados para determinar os setores ou subsectores considerados expostos a um risco significativo de vazamento de carbono e uma data anterior à publicação da lista da Comissão desses setores (31 de dezembro 2009). Além disso, sujeito a revisão quando um acordo internacional satisfatório for alcançado, as instalações em todas as indústrias expostas receberão 100% de licenças gratuitas na medida em que usem a tecnologia mais eficiente. A alocação gratuita para a indústria é limitada à participação das emissões dessas emissões nas emissões totais em 2005 a 2007. O número total de licenças atribuídas gratuitamente às instalações nos setores da indústria diminuirá anualmente de acordo com o declínio do limite de emissões. Os Estados-Membros podem também compensar certas instalações para os custos de CO 2 repercutidos nos preços da electricidade se os custos de CO 2 puderem, de outro modo, expô-los ao risco de vazamento de carbono. A Comissão comprometeu-se a modificar as orientações comunitárias relativas aos auxílios estatais a favor do ambiente a este respeito. Veja a resposta à pergunta 15 abaixo. O nível de leilão de licenças para a indústria não exposta aumentará de forma linear, conforme proposto pela Comissão, mas, em vez de atingir 100% até 2020, atingirá 70%, com vista a atingir 100% até 2027. Conforme previsto em Na proposta da Comissão, 10% das licenças para leilão serão redistribuídas de Estados-Membros com elevado rendimento per capita para pessoas com baixo rendimento per capita, a fim de reforçar a capacidade financeira destes últimos para investir em tecnologias amigáveis ​​com o clima. Foi adicionada uma provisão para outro mecanismo redistributivo de 2% das licenças de leilão para levar em consideração os Estados-Membros que em 2005 alcançaram uma redução de pelo menos 20% nas emissões de gases de efeito estufa em relação ao ano de referência estabelecido pelo Protocolo de Quioto. A participação das receitas de leilão que os Estados-Membros recomendam utilizar para combater e adaptar-se às alterações climáticas, principalmente na UE, mas também nos países em desenvolvimento, é aumentada de 20% para 50%. O texto fornece um complemento para o nível de uso permitido proposto de créditos JI / CDM no cenário de 20% para os operadores existentes que receberam os orçamentos mais baixos para importar e usar esses créditos em relação às alocações e acesso aos créditos no período 2008-2018. Novos setores, novos participantes nos períodos 2018-2020 e 2008-2018 também poderão usar créditos. O montante total de créditos que podem ser utilizados não excederá, no entanto, 50% da redução entre 2008 e 2020. Com base em uma redução mais rigorosa das emissões no contexto de um acordo internacional satisfatório, a Comissão poderia permitir o acesso adicional às RCE e UREs para os operadores do regime comunitário. Veja a resposta à pergunta 20 abaixo. O produto do leilão de 300 milhões de licenças da reserva dos novos participantes será utilizado para apoiar até 12 projetos e projetos de demonstração de captura e armazenamento de carbono que demonstram tecnologias inovadoras de energia renovável. Uma série de condições são anexadas a este mecanismo de financiamento. Veja a resposta à pergunta 30 abaixo. A possibilidade de excluir as pequenas instalações de combustão, desde que estejam sujeitas a medidas equivalentes, tenha sido ampliada para cobrir todas as pequenas instalações, independentemente da atividade, o limite de emissão foi aumentado de 10.000 para 25.000 toneladas de CO 2 por ano e o limite de capacidade que As instalações de combustão devem ser cumpridas, além disso, foram aumentadas de 25MW para 35MW. Com esses limiares aumentados, a participação das emissões cobertas que poderiam ser excluídas do sistema de comércio de emissões torna-se significativa e, consequentemente, uma provisão foi adicionada para permitir uma redução correspondente do limite máximo da UE em subsídios.

Ainda haverá planos nacionais de alocação (NAPs)?

Não. Nos seus PAN para os primeiros períodos de negociação (2005-2007) e segundo (2008-2018), os Estados-Membros determinaram a quantidade total de licenças de emissão a serem emitidas - o limite - e como estas seriam alocadas às instalações em questão. Esta abordagem gerou diferenças significativas nas regras de alocação, criando um incentivo para cada Estado-Membro favorecer sua própria indústria e gerou uma grande complexidade.

A partir do terceiro período de negociação, haverá um único limite para a UE e as licenças serão alocadas com base em regras harmonizadas. Os planos de alocação nacionais não serão mais necessários.

Como o limite de emissão na fase 3 será determinado?

As regras para o cálculo do limite da UE são as seguintes:

A partir de 2018, o número total de licenças diminuirá anualmente de forma linear. O ponto de partida desta linha é a quantidade total média de subsídios (limite de fase 2) a ser emitido pelos Estados Membros para o período 2008-12, ajustado para refletir o alcance ampliado do sistema a partir de 2018, bem como quaisquer pequenas instalações que o Membro Os Estados escolheram excluir. O fator linear pelo qual o montante anual deve diminuir é de 1,74% em relação ao limite da fase 2.

O ponto de partida para determinar o fator linear de 1,74% é a redução global de 20% dos gases com efeito de estufa em relação a 1990, o que equivale a uma redução de 14% em relação a 2005. No entanto, é necessária uma redução maior do ETS da UE porque é mais barato para reduzir as emissões nos setores ETS. A divisão que minimiza o custo total de redução equivale a:

uma redução de 21% nas emissões do sector ETS da UE em comparação com 2005 até 2020; uma redução de cerca de 10% em relação a 2005 para os sectores que não são abrangidos pelo RCLE da UE.

A redução de 21% em 2020 resulta em um limite de ETS em 2020 de um máximo de 1720 milhões de subsídios e implica um limite médio de fase 3 (2018 a 2020) de cerca de 1846 milhões de licenças e uma redução de 11% em relação ao limite de fase 2.

Todos os valores absolutos indicados correspondem à cobertura no início do segundo período de negociação e, portanto, não levam em conta a aviação, que será adicionada em 2018 e outros setores que serão adicionados na fase 3.

Os valores finais dos limites anuais de emissão na fase 3 serão determinados e publicados pela Comissão até 30 de setembro de 2018.

Como o limite de emissão para além da fase 3 será determinado?

O fator linear de 1,74% usado para determinar o limite da fase 3 continuará a ser aplicado além do final do período de negociação em 2020 e determinará o limite para o quarto período de negociação (2021 a 2028) e além. Pode ser revisto até 2025, o mais tardar. De fato, as reduções significativas de emissões de 60% a 80% em relação a 1990 serão necessárias até 2050 para atingir o objetivo estratégico de limitar o aumento da temperatura média global para não mais de 2 ° C acima dos níveis pré-industriais.

Será estabelecido um limite máximo de licenças de emissão a nível da UE para cada ano. Isso reduziria a flexibilidade para as instalações em questão?

Não, a flexibilidade para as instalações não será reduzida. Em qualquer ano, os subsídios a serem leilados e distribuídos devem ser emitidos pelas autoridades competentes até 28 de fevereiro. A última data para os operadores renderem subsídios é 30 de abril do ano seguinte ao ano em que as emissões ocorreram. Assim, os operadores recebem subsídios para o ano em curso antes de terem que entregar subsídios para cobrir suas emissões para o ano anterior. Os subsídios permanecem válidos durante todo o período de negociação e quaisquer subsídios excedentes agora podem ser "depositados" para uso em períodos de negociação subsequentes. A este respeito, nada mudará.

O sistema permanecerá com base nos períodos de negociação, mas o terceiro período de negociação durará oito anos, de 2018 a 2020, em oposição a cinco anos para a segunda fase de 2008 a 2018.

Para o segundo período de negociação, os Estados-Membros geralmente decidiram atribuir quantidades iguais iguais de subsídios para cada ano. A diminuição linear de cada ano a partir de 2018 corresponderá melhor às tendências de emissões esperadas ao longo do período.

Quais são os números preliminares preliminares do ETS para o período de 2018 a 2020?

The tentative annual cap figures are as follows:

These figures are based on the scope of the ETS as applicable in phase 2 (2008 to 2018), and the Commission's decisions on the national allocation plans for phase 2, amounting to 2083 million tonnes. These figures will be adjusted for several reasons. Firstly, adjustment will be made to take into account the extensions of the scope in phase 2, provided that Member States substantiate and verify their emissions accruing from these extensions. Secondly, adjustment will be made with respect to further extensions of the scope of the ETS in the third trading period. Thirdly, any opt-out of small installations will lead to a corresponding reduction of the cap. Fourthly, the figures do not take account of the inclusion of aviation, nor of emissions from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

Will allowances still be allocated for free?

Sim. Industrial installations will receive transitional free allocation. And in those Member States that are eligible for the optional derogation, power plants may, if the Member State so decides, also receive free allowances. It is estimated that at least half of the available allowances as of 2018 will be auctioned.

While the great majority of allowances has been allocated free of charge to installations in the first and second trading periods, the Commission proposed that auctioning of allowances should become the basic principle for allocation. This is because auctioning best ensures the efficiency, transparency and simplicity of the system and creates the greatest incentive for investments in a low-carbon economy. It best complies with the “polluter pays principle” and avoids giving windfall profits to certain sectors that have passed on the notional cost of allowances to their customers despite receiving them for free.

How will allowances be handed out for free?

By 31 December 2018, the Commission will adopt EU-wide rules, which will be developed under a committee procedure (“Comitology”). These rules will fully harmonise allocations and thus all firms across the EU with the same or similar activities will be subject to the same rules. The rules will ensure as far as possible that the allocation promotes carbon-efficient technologies. The adopted rules provide that to the extent feasible, allocations are to be based on so-called benchmarks, e. g. a number of allowances per quantity of historical output. Such rules reward operators that have taken early action to reduce greenhouse gases, better reflect the polluter pays principle and give stronger incentives to reduce emissions, as allocations would no longer depend on historical emissions. All allocations are to be determined before the start of the third trading period and no ex-post adjustments will be allowed.

Which installations will receive free allocations and which will not? How will negative impacts on competitiveness be avoided?

Taking into account their ability to pass on the increased cost of emission allowances, full auctioning is the rule from 2018 onwards for electricity generators. However, Member States who fulfil certain conditions relating to their interconnectivity or their share of fossil fuels in electricity production and GDP per capita in relation to the EU-27 average, have the option to temporarily deviate from this rule with respect to existing power plants. The auctioning rate in 2018 is to be at least 30% in relation to emissions in the first period and has to increase progressively to 100% no later than 2020. If the option is applied, the Member State has to undertake to invest in improving and upgrading of the infrastructure, in clean technologies and in diversification of their energy mix and sources of supply for an amount to the extent possible equal to the market value of the free allocation.

In other sectors, allocations for free will be phased out progressively from 2018, with Member States agreeing to start at 20% auctioning in 2018, increasing to 70% auctioning in 2020 with a view to reaching 100% in 2027. However, an exception will be made for installations in sectors that are found to be exposed to a significant risk of 'carbon leakage'. This risk could occur if the EU ETS increased production costs so much that companies decided to relocate production to areas outside the EU that are not subject to comparable emission constraints. The Commission will determine the sectors concerned by 31 December 2009. To do this, the Commission will assess inter alia whether the direct and indirect additional production costs induced by the implementation of the ETS Directive as a proportion of gross value added exceed 5% and whether the total value of its exports and imports divided by the total value of its turnover and imports exceeds 10%. If the result for either of these criteria exceeds 30%, the sector would also be considered to be exposed to a significant risk of carbon leakage. Installations in these sectors would receive 100% of their share in the annually declining total quantity of allowances for free. The share of these industries' emissions is determined in relation to total ETS emissions in 2005 to 2007.

CO 2 costs passed on in electricity prices could also expose certain installations to the risk of carbon leakage. In order to avoid such risk, Member States may grant a compensation with respect to such costs. In the absence of an international agreement on climate change, the Commission has undertaken to modify the Community guidelines on state aid for environmental protection in this respect.

Under an international agreement which ensures that competitors in other parts of the world bear a comparable cost, the risk of carbon leakage may well be negligible. Therefore, by 30 June 2018, the Commission will carry out an in-depth assessment of the situation of energy-intensive industry and the risk of carbon leakage, in the light of the outcome of the international negotiations and also taking into account any binding sectoral agreements that may have been concluded. The report will be accompanied by any proposals considered appropriate. These could potentially include maintaining or adjusting the proportion of allowances received free of charge to industrial installations that are particularly exposed to global competition or including importers of the products concerned in the ETS.

Who will organise the auctions and how will they be carried out?

Member States will be responsible for ensuring that the allowances given to them are auctioned. Each Member State has to decide whether it wants to develop its own auctioning infrastructure and platform or whether it wants to cooperate with other Member States to develop regional or EU-wide solutions. The distribution of the auctioning rights to Member States is largely based on emissions in phase 1 of the EU ETS, but a part of the rights will be redistributed from richer Member States to poorer ones to take account of the lower GDP per head and higher prospects for growth and emissions among the latter. It is still the case that 10% of the rights to auction allowances will be redistributed from Member States with high per capita income to those with low per capita income in order to strengthen the financial capacity of the latter to invest in climate friendly technologies. However, a provision has been added for another redistributive mechanism of 2% to take into account Member States which in 2005 had achieved a reduction of at least 20% in greenhouse gas emissions compared with the reference year set by the Kyoto Protocol. Nine Member States benefit from this provision.

Any auctioning must respect the rules of the internal market and must therefore be open to any potential buyer under non-discriminatory conditions. By 30 June 2018, the Commission will adopt a Regulation (through the comitology procedure) that will provide the appropriate rules and conditions for ensuring efficient, coordinated auctions without disturbing the allowance market.

How many allowances will each Member State auction and how is this amount determined?

All allowances which are not allocated free of charge will be auctioned. A total of 88% of allowances to be auctioned by each Member State is distributed on the basis of the Member State's share of historic emissions under the EU ETS. For purposes of solidarity and growth, 12% of the total quantity is distributed in a way that takes into account GDP per capita and the achievements under the Kyoto-Protocol.

Which sectors and gases are covered as of 2018?

The ETS covers installations performing specified activities. Since the start it has covered, above certain capacity thresholds, power stations and other combustion plants, oil refineries, coke ovens, iron and steel plants and factories making cement, glass, lime, bricks, ceramics, pulp, paper and board. As for greenhouse gases, it currently only covers carbon dioxide emissions, with the exception of the Netherlands, which has opted in emissions from nitrous oxide.

As from 2018, the scope of the ETS will be extended to also include other sectors and greenhouse gases. CO 2 emissions from petrochemicals, ammonia and aluminium will be included, as will N2O emissions from the production of nitric, adipic and glyocalic acid production and perfluorocarbons from the aluminium sector. The capture, transport and geological storage of all greenhouse gas emissions will also be covered. These sectors will receive allowances free of charge according to EU-wide rules, in the same way as other industrial sectors already covered.

As of 2018, aviation will also be included in the EU ETS.

Will small installations be excluded from the scope?

A large number of installations emitting relatively low amounts of CO 2 are currently covered by the ETS and concerns have been raised over the cost-effectiveness of their inclusion. As from 2018, Member States will be allowed to remove these installations from the ETS under certain conditions. The installations concerned are those whose reported emissions were lower than 25 000 tonnes of CO 2 equivalent in each of the 3 years preceding the year of application. For combustion installations, an additional capacity threshold of 35MW applies. In addition Member States are given the possibility to exclude installations operated by hospitals. The installations may be excluded from the ETS only if they will be covered by measures that will achieve an equivalent contribution to emission reductions.

How many emission credits from third countries will be allowed?

For the second trading period, Member States allowed their operators to use significant quantities of credits generated by emission-saving projects undertaken in third countries to cover part of their emissions in the same way as they use ETS allowances. The revised Directive extends the rights to use these credits for the third trading period and allows a limited additional quantity to be used in such a way that the overall use of credits is limited to 50% of the EU-wide reductions over the period 2008-2020. For existing installations, and excluding new sectors within the scope, this will represent a total level of access of approximately 1.6 billion credits over the period 2008-2020. In practice, this means that existing operators will be able to use credits up to a minimum of 11% of their allocation during the period 2008-2018, while a top-up is foreseen for operators with the lowest sum of free allocation and allowed use of credits in the 2008-2018 period. New sectors and new entrants in the third trading period will have a guaranteed minimum access of 4.5% of their verified emissions during the period 2018-2020. For the aviation sector, the minimum access will be 1.5%. The precise percentages will be determined through comitology.

These projects must be officially recognised under the Kyoto Protocol’s Joint Implementation (JI) mechanism (covering projects carried out in countries with an emissions reduction target under the Protocol) or Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) (for projects undertaken in developing countries). Credits from JI projects are known as Emission Reduction Units (ERUs) while those from CDM projects are called Certified Emission Reductions (CERs).

On the quality side only credits from project types eligible for use in the EU trading scheme during the period 2008-2018 will be accepted in the period 2018-2020. Furthermore, from 1 January 2018 measures may be applied to restrict the use of specific credits from project types. Such a quality control mechanism is needed to assure the environmental and economic integrity of future project types.

To create greater flexibility, and in the absence of an international agreement being concluded by 31 December 2009, credits could be used in accordance with agreements concluded with third countries. The use of these credits should however not increase the overall number beyond 50% of the required reductions. Such agreements would not be required for new projects that started from 2018 onwards in Least Developed Countries.

Based on a stricter emissions reduction in the context of a satisfactory international agreement , additional access to credits could be allowed, as well as the use of additional types of project credits or other mechanisms created under the international agreement. However, once an international agreement has been reached, from January 2018 onwards only credits from projects in third countries that have ratified the agreement or from additional types of project approved by the Commission will be eligible for use in the Community scheme.

Will it be possible to use credits from carbon ‘sinks’ like forests?

No. Before making its proposal, the Commission analysed the possibility of allowing credits from certain types of land use, land-use change and forestry (‘LULUCF’) projects which absorb carbon from the atmosphere. It concluded that doing so could undermine the environmental integrity of the EU ETS, for the following reasons:

LULUCF projects cannot physically deliver permanent emissions reductions. Insufficient solutions have been developed to deal with the uncertainties, non-permanence of carbon storage and potential emissions 'leakage' problems arising from such projects. The temporary and reversible nature of such activities would pose considerable risks in a company-based trading system and impose great liability risks on Member States. The inclusion of LULUCF projects in the ETS would require a quality of monitoring and reporting comparable to the monitoring and reporting of emissions from installations currently covered by the system. This is not available at present and is likely to incur costs which would substantially reduce the attractiveness of including such projects. The simplicity, transparency and predictability of the ETS would be considerably reduced. Moreover, the sheer quantity of potential credits entering the system could undermine the functioning of the carbon market unless their role were limited, in which case their potential benefits would become marginal.

The Commission, the Council and the European Parliament believe that global deforestation can be better addressed through other instruments. For example, using part of the proceeds from auctioning allowances in the EU ETS could generate additional means to invest in LULUCF activities both inside and outside the EU, and may provide a model for future expansion. In this respect the Commission has proposed to set up the Global Forest Carbon Mechanism that would be a performance-based system for financing reductions in deforestation levels in developing countries.

Besides those already mentioned, are there other credits that could be used in the revised ETS?

Sim. Projects in EU Member States which reduce greenhouse gas emissions not covered by the ETS could issue credits. These Community projects would need to be managed according to common EU provisions set up by the Commission in order to be tradable throughout the system. Such provisions would be adopted only for projects that cannot be realised through inclusion in the ETS. The provisions will seek to ensure that credits from Community projects do not result in double-counting of emission reductions nor impede other policy measures to reduce emissions not covered by the ETS, and that they are based on simple, easily administered rules.

Are there measures in place to ensure that the price of allowances won't fall sharply during the third trading period?

A stable and predictable regulatory framework is vital for market stability. The revised Directive makes the regulatory framework as predictable as possible in order to boost stability and rule out policy-induced volatility. Important elements in this respect are the determination of the cap on emissions in the Directive well in advance of the start of the trading period, a linear reduction factor for the cap on emissions which continues to apply also beyond 2020 and the extension of the trading period from 5 to 8 years. The sharp fall in the allowance price during the first trading period was due to over-allocation of allowances which could not be “banked” for use in the second trading period. For the second and subsequent trading periods, Member States are obliged to allow the banking of allowances from one period to the next and therefore the end of one trading period is not expected to have any impact on the price.

A new provision will apply as of 2018 in case of excessive price fluctuations in the allowance market. If, for more than six consecutive months, the allowance price is more than three times the average price of allowances during the two preceding years on the European market, the Commission will convene a meeting with Member States. If it is found that the price evolution does not correspond to market fundamentals, the Commission may either allow Member States to bring forward the auctioning of a part of the quantity to be auctioned, or allow them to auction up to 25% of the remaining allowances in the new entrant reserve.

The price of allowances is determined by supply and demand and reflects fundamental factors like economic growth, fuel prices, rainfall and wind (availability of renewable energy) and temperature (demand for heating and cooling) etc. A degree of uncertainty is inevitable for such factors. The markets, however, allow participants to hedge the risks that may result from changes in allowances prices.

Are there any provisions for linking the EU ETS to other emissions trading systems?

Sim. One of the key means to reduce emissions more cost-effectively is to enhance and further develop the global carbon market. The Commission sees the EU ETS as an important building block for the development of a global network of emission trading systems. Linking other national or regional cap-and-trade emissions trading systems to the EU ETS can create a bigger market, potentially lowering the aggregate cost of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The increased liquidity and reduced price volatility that this would entail would improve the functioning of markets for emission allowances. This may lead to a global network of trading systems in which participants, including legal entities, can buy emission allowances to fulfil their respective reduction commitments.

The EU is keen to work with the new US Administration to build a transatlantic and indeed global carbon market to act as the motor of a concerted international push to combat climate change.

While the original Directive allows for linking the EU ETS with other industrialised countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol, the new rules allow for linking with any country or administrative entity (such as a state or group of states under a federal system) which has established a compatible mandatory cap-and-trade system whose design elements would not undermine the environmental integrity of the EU ETS. Where such systems cap absolute emissions, there would be mutual recognition of allowances issued by them and the EU ETS.

What is a Community registry and how does it work?

Registries are standardised electronic databases ensuring the accurate accounting of the issuance, holding, transfer and cancellation of emission allowances. As a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol in its own right, the Community is also obliged to maintain a registry. This is the Community Registry, which is distinct from the registries of Member States. Allowances issued from 1 January 2018 onwards will be held in the Community registry instead of in national registries.

Will there be any changes to monitoring, reporting and verification requirements?

The Commission will adopt a new Regulation (through the comitology procedure) by 31 December 2018 governing the monitoring and reporting of emissions from the activities listed in Annex I of the Directive. A separate Regulation on the verification of emission reports and the accreditation of verifiers should specify conditions for accreditation, mutual recognition and cancellation of accreditation for verifiers, and for supervision and peer review as appropriate.

What provision will be made for new entrants into the market?

Five percent of the total quantity of allowances will be put into a reserve for new installations or airlines that enter the system after 2018 (“new entrants”). The allocations from this reserve should mirror the allocations to corresponding existing installations.

A part of the new entrant reserve, amounting to 300 million allowances, will be made available to support the investments in up to 12 demonstration projects using the carbon capture and storage technology and demonstration projects using innovative renewable energy technologies. There should be a fair geographical distribution of the projects.

In principle, any allowances remaining in the reserve shall be distributed to Member States for auctioning. The distribution key shall take into account the level to which installations in Member States have benefited from this reserve.

What has been agreed with respect to the financing of the 12 carbon capture and storage demonstration projects requested by a previous European Council?

The European Parliament's Environment Committee tabled an amendment to the EU ETS Directive requiring allowances in the new entrant reserve to be set aside in order to co-finance up to 12 demonstration projects as requested by the European Council in spring 2007. This amendment has later been extended to include also innovative renewable energy technologies that are not commercially viable yet. Projects shall be selected on the basis of objective and transparent criteria that include requirements for knowledge sharing. Support shall be given from the proceeds of these allowances via Member States and shall be complementary to substantial co-financing by the operator of the installation. No project shall receive support via this mechanism that exceeds 15% of the total number of allowances (i. e. 45 million allowances) available for this purpose. The Member State may choose to co-finance the project as well, but will in any case transfer the market value of the attributed allowances to the operator, who will not receive any allowances.

A total of 300 million allowances will therefore be set aside until 2018 for this purpose.

What is the role of an international agreement and its potential impact on EU ETS?

When an international agreement is reached, the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council assessing the nature of the measures agreed upon in the international agreement and their implications, in particular with respect to the risk of carbon leakage. On the basis of this report, the Commission shall then adopt a legislative proposal amending the present Directive as appropriate.

For the effects on the use of credits from Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanism projects, please see the reply to question 20.

Quais são os próximos passos?

Member States have to bring into force the legal instruments necessary to comply with certain provisions of the revised Directive by 31 December 2009. This concerns the collection of duly substantiated and verified emissions data from installations that will only be covered by the EU ETS as from 2018, and the national lists of installations and the allocation to each one. For the remaining provisions, the national laws, regulations and administrative provisions only have to be ready by 31 December 2018.

The Commission has already started the work on implementation. For example, the collection and analysis of data for use in relation to carbon leakage is ongoing (list of sectors due end 2009). Work is also ongoing to prepare the Regulation on timing, administration and other aspects of auctioning (due by June 2018), the harmonised allocation rules (due end 2018) and the two Regulations on monitoring and reporting of emissions and verification of emissions and accreditation of verifiers (due end 2018).


This content is live-updated from Google News and is not curated by Climate Policy Initiative.

This content is live-updated from the California Air Resources Board and is not curated by Climate Policy Initiative.

This content is live-updated from Twitter and is not curated by Climate Policy Initiative.

This content is curated from The CPI Policy Blog.


California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB32) set a series of policies and programs across all major sectors to return California emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) updates a Scoping Plan every 5 years to outline California's strategy to meet AB32 goals. The Cap and Trade Program caps greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from key sectors in California, ensuring that AB32 GHG reductions are met.

The California Cap and Trade Program is designed to achieve cost-effective emissions reductions across the capped sectors. The Program sets maximum, statewide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for all covered sectors each year (the “cap”), and allows covered entities to sell off allowances An allowance is a tradable permit that allows the emission of one metric ton of CO 2 e. (permits) that they do not need (the “trade”). The California carbon price is driven by allowance trading.

By 2020, the Cap and Trade Program is expected to drive approximately 22% of targeted greenhouse gas reductions still needed in capped sectors after reductions from AB32’s complementary policies. For general information on how cap and trade systems work, check out this C2ES primer on cap and trade.

In September of 2018, the post-2020 successor to AB32, SB32, was signed into law and established emissions reductions targets of 40% below 1990 levels by 2030. The dashboard will be updated to reflect this once the second update to the scoping plan has been published, outlining specific plans for achieving these reductions.




Source: California Air Resources Board's Status of Scoping Plan Recommended Measures. . Note: For many measures, we link to the initial staff report, as it often provides the latest official information from CARB’s regulatory process.

Source: The California Air Resources Board's 2020 Emissions Forecast.


The Cap and Trade Program covers the power and industrial sectors starting in 2018 and will expand to cover natural gas and transportation fuels in 2018 (see here for a helpful timeline). Once fully in effect, the program will cover roughly 85% of California’s GHG emissions. The California Air Resources Board auctions allowances to covered entities. Allowances are allocated freely to electric utilities to mitigate costs on customers. Utilities must use the value associated with the allowances to benefit ratepayers. Free allocation decreases over time. Regulated entities can also meet 8% of their obligations by buying CARB-approved offsets — emissions reductions from uncapped sectors.

Allowance Allocation.

Electrical Distribution Utilities — All utility allowances are allocated freely to protect ratepayers from rate shocks. Utilities must use the value associated with the allowances to benefit ratepayers. Investor-owned utilities are required to return a portion of the value to consumers via a Climate Credit on their utility bill (see CPI’s blog for details).

Industry Sectors — Allocation determined according to leakage prevention and sector transition assistance needs.

For more details, see CARB’s allowance allocation page and Regulatory Guidance Document Section 3.5.

CARB holds two allowance auctions quarterly:

Current Auctions offer current and previous year vintages. Advance Auctions offer vintages of the subsequent calendar years.

Entities submit bids in a single-round, sealed-bid auction format. Allowances are awarded to entities starting with the highest bids until all available allowances are exhausted. The “settlement price” is lowest price at which the allowance supply is exhausted. All entities will pay the settlement price or auction reserve price (see below) — whichever is highest — for their awarded allowances.

See here for more details on auction procedures and here for further details and auction schedule updates.

For each auction, CARB sets an Auction Reserve Price — a minimum price below which allowances cannot be sold at auction. The Regulation (§ 95911) set the 2018 and 2018 Auction Reserve Price at $10/allowance for both the current and advanced auctions. Starting in 2018, the Auction Reserve Price increases annually by 5% plus the rate of inflation (Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers).

For more details, see CARB’s Regulatory Guidance Document Section 5.1.4.

CARB sets a designated number of allowances from each compliance period budget into the Allowance Price Containment Reserve (the reserve).The reserve is designed to reduce the risk of higher-than-expected allowance prices.

Reserve volumes by compliance period:

2018-2018: 1% of allowance budget 2018-2017: 4% of allowance budget 2018-2020: 7% of allowance budget.

Allowances in the reserve are available for purchase quarterly at three tiers of pre-established prices that increase annually by 5% plus rate of inflation (Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers). In 2018, APCR tiers are priced at $40, $45, and $50.

For more details, see CARB’s Regulatory Guidance Document Section 5.2.2. See here for general information on cost containment mechanisms.

Auction Proceeds.

A suite of legal precedents (summarized by California’s Legislative Analyst Office) establish that proceeds from allowance auctions must be used to mitigate GHGs or the harmful effects of GHGs.

Passed in 2018, SB535 (D-De Leon) requires that 25% of proceeds benefit “disadvantaged communities” and that 10% are spent within such communities.

Visit CARB’s implementing legislation page for an overview of auction proceed implementation laws.

Proceeds from cap and trade auctions flow into the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) and are then appropriated through a two-step process established by AB1532 (D-Perez):

State agencies draft three-year investment plans with priorities for auction proceed investment Consistent with investment plans, the state legislature and governor appropriate funding through annual budget acts.

For a summary of the programs and projects funded from the GGRF, visit CARB’s auction proceeds budget appropriations webpage.

Covered Entities.

2018-2020: First deliverers of electricity (in-state and imported) and large industrial facilities.

2018-2020: Distributors of transportation fuels, natural gas, and other fuels.

Generally, facilities that exceed annual emissions 25,000 metric tons of CO 2 e (according to mandatory GHG emissions reporting) are covered by the program. As of 2018, all emissions from electricity-importers are covered (i. e., no threshold).

The following parties are required to participate in the Cap and Trade Program if they meet the thresholds delineated by the Regulation:

Operators of industrial facilities Operators of electricity generation in California Importers of electricity from out of state Fuel suppliers and distributors Carbon dioxide suppliers.

For full details, see the Regulation (§ 95811)

Compliance Periods and Allowance Submission.

Each year starting in 2018:

Covered entities report previous year emissions in September and submit required allowances in November .

Each year, entities must submit allowances for at least 30% of covered emissions from the previous year. The year after the end of a compliance period, entities must submit allowances for remaining covered emissions for the period.

For further details, see CARB’s Regulatory Guidance Section 3.6.2.

Covered entities can save (“bank”) allowances for purposes of future compliance to guard against shortages or price swings. They cannot submit future year allowances for compliance with a previous year (i. e., “borrow” future vintage year allowances).

For further details, see CARB’s Regulatory Guidance Section 5.1.8.

An offset is a credit for greenhouse gas reductions achieved by an activity outside the capped sectors. Under the Program, each compliance offset credit is equal to 1 metric ton of CO 2 e.

Covered entities can use CARB-issued compliance offset credits to meet up to 8% of their allowance obligations for each compliance period.

Offset credits can only be quantified using CARB-approved Compliance Offset Protocols . CARB has adopted five Compliance Offset protocols to date:

U. S. Forest Projects Compliance Offset Protocol Urban Forest Projects Compliance Offset Protocol Livestock Projects Compliance Offset Protocol Ozone Depleting Substance Compliance Offset Protocol Mine Methane Capture Projects Compliance Offset Protocol.

CARB is currently considering several additional protocols, which would allow additional offset types to generate credits.

See here for detailed and updated information on Compliance Offset Protocols.

Linkage to Other Trading Programs.

California’s cap and trade program linked to the Province of Québec’s cap and trade program on January 1, 2018.


Cards represent policies that GEO's agents can enact in order to alter a region's statistics, hopefully in a positive manner.

Projects Edit.

Projects are policies that have a long-term impact on some issues, as such, they are not active for a set amount of time, but instead keep affecting the region they are active in unless specific conditions makes them stall. However, the "Bid for GEO Headquarters" and perhaps the "International Space Programme" (To be verified. ) cards are exceptions, being implemented on the next turn.

Bid for GEO Headquarters Edit.

Cost: $100 Time: 5 years Support: +100 Description: The region will tender a bid to host the GEO HQ. Requires: N/A.

The turn after this card is played, the region its played in will be designated the HQ region, unlocking global policies and projects. The downside to this is that if GEO is ever banned from its HQ region, the mission will be instantly lost.

Business & amp; Household Carbon Regs Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: 35 years Support: N/A Description: Provide regulatory support for businesses and households to undertake all activities falling under the current trading price of carbon. Requires: Cap & trade initiatives must either be complete or being enacted.

This card starts a 30 year programme of introducing and building awareness of carbon reducing techniques for homes and offices. Every turn this card is in place, buildings in the region will be retrofitted or demolished to make way for more energy-efficient ones. By the end of the 30 years, houses and offices will only require 59.2% as much electricity, the commercial sector will produce 65.7% as much emissions, and industry in the region will require 10% less oil and gas due to recycling efforts. Note that although this policy technically lasts for 3 5 years, it has no mechanical effect after the 30 year mark (demolishing energy inefficient buildings) other than a success message.

Cap & Trade Carbon Emissions Edit.

Cost: $30 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Set the region an emission target and establish a carbon trading scheme to meet that target. Requires: N/A.

This card enacts an "emission trading" scheme. Every region that signs up for cap & trade is given a 'quota' on the amount of emissions it can sustainably produce. Highly developed regions won't be given a high enough quota for their needs while under-developed regions will be given far more than enough. In order to rectify this, richer nations will "buy" poorer nation's excess emissions, allowing the former to continue polluting activities and helping the latter develop as countries. Ideally, the end result of cap and trade is a world of equally developed nations producing sustainable emissions.

Regions with development levels of 3 or more will agree to make 'carbon cuts' under cap and trade. The effects of these cuts depend on the region's outlook.

Green regions (altruistic or better) will reduce the size of all three economic sectors by 15%, reduce emissions in all three sectors by 10%, and reduce emissions from industrial coal use by 5% every turn. Balanced regions (altruistic to consumerist) will reduce the size of all three economic sectors by 7.5%, reduce emissions in all three sectors by 5%, and reduce emissions from industrial coal use by 5% every turn. Skeptic regions (consumerist or worse) will reduce the size of all three economic sectors, emissions in all three sectors, and emissions from industrial coal use by 2% every turn.

In developed regions with less than even stability, there's a 25% chance each turn that businesses in the region will simply use the scheme to steal billions without making any changes. This can only happen once per region and seems to do nothing but waste a turn.

Every turn cap and trade is used in regions with development levels under 3, the size, number of workers, and efficiency of workers of all three economic sectors is increased by 2%, industrial emissions are reduced by 10%, literacy is increased by 5%, and sickness and incapacity is reduced by 5%.

If at least 8 regions in the world (but not all 12) are implementing cap and trade, 'carbon leakage' may occur, where industry migrates to regions with at least a development level of 2 in order to escape having to make carbon cuts. Carbon leakage cheats the emission trading system, limiting first world investment in underdeveloped regions. As long as carbon leakage is occuring, all the effects of cap and trade in regions under development level 3 are halved.

Capture & Store Carbon Dioxide (CCS) Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: 55 years Support: N/A Description: Set up the chain of capture, transport, and ultimate storage of carbon. Requires: CCS technology.

This card initiates a programme for installing systems to capture emissions that would otherwise be released into the environment and safely storing them. Every turn the initiative is going on, emissions from fossil fuel use in power plants, farms, and factories will fall by 15%. However, these systems reduce the efficiency of the machines that use them; power plants will require 5% more fossil fuels and factories will require 3.5% more coal. By the time CCS is maxed out (after 12 turns), emissions in the power, agricultural, and industrial sectors will be down to a mere 16.7%, but power plants that use coal, oil, or natural gas will be running at only 56.8% efficiency and factories will require 41% more coal.

In order to combat the inefficiencies of CCS systems, it may be a good idea to compliment this card with a commitment to renewable energy and a coal-free industry initiative.

Coal-Free Industry Edit.

Cost: $30 Time: Infinite (until industry in the region is free of coal use) Support: N/A Description: Coal use is pervasive in industry. Shift to electrical machinery to alleviate the region's dependence on coal. Requires: N/A.

This card initiates a programme of getting industry in the region to use electricity for most things that normally use coal. Every turn the programme is enacted, the amount of coal that industry in the region needs decreases while the amount of electricity it needs increases.

Like other cards that exchange fossil fuel use for electricity, its important to initiate this project only in regions that generate their power from clean energy sources. Otherwise, all the project will do is make factories in the region stop burning coal in favor of using electricity that comes from coal-burning power plants.

Commit to Nuclear Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Maximise nuclear energy production in the region, using best available technologies. Requires: N/A.

This card commits the region to building nuclear power plants to satisfy energy demands. As long as there's at least some uranium in the region, nuclear power use in the region will increase by 10% every turn this card is played. Once 4th generation nuclear reactors become available in the region, this card will also start converting old reactors into new, 'fast breeder' reactors, increasing the efficiency of uranium by 78% each turn, to a maximum of 1000% efficiency.

Commit to Renewables Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Until every renewable power source in the region is running at full capacity or until 80% of the region's power comes from renewable sources. Support: N/A Description: Direct the region to expand renewable power across solar, hydro, geothermal, wind and tidal, until it reaches capacity for each. Requires: N/A.

One of the slowest and likely endless projects to work at (despite the description). It incentivises any new energy production needs towards a Renewable Mix, spurring more construction of Solar, Hydro, Tidal, Geothermal and Wind power plants. As Oil runs dry and Coal and Gas gets more scarce but no less pollutant, Renewable investments will keep the focus on these kind of powerplants before the problems become accute.

Typically, even when given ample time and money there is only so much power that can be provided through renewable sources. Some Regions contain vast capacity and can easily have surplus Renewable plants, whereas others lack even enough for a 50% Energy mix, so it is not realistic to expect these to power all regions equally. Also, renewables will require tech to advance its reach, meaning even more time and money spent to max.

Note that Fusion, Biomass and Orbital Solar Harvesting (simply combined with Solar Powerplants) are included in the Renewable Mix.

Deploy 1st Generation Fusion Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Start building "Tokamak" Fusion Powerstations in the region, where possible appending them to existing steam turbine plants. Requires: 1st generation fusion technology but not 2nd generation.

This card starts turning the region to 1st generation fusion energy. Every turn the card is played, the fraction of energy generated by fusion plants in the region will increase by 0.12%.

Deploy 2nd Generation Fusion Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite (until 100% of the region's energy comes from fusion) Support: N/A Description: Start building aneutronic He3 fusion reactors in the region. This will require humanity to have access to large He3 deposits, such as exist in the lunar regolith. Requires: 2nd generation fusion technology.

This card starts turning the region to 2nd generation fusion energy. IF the moon isn't being mined for He3, the fraction of energy generated by fusion plants in the region will only increase by 0.36% every turn. If the moon is being mined, the fraction increases by 1.8% a turn and the theoretical capacity for fusion energy increases by 5% every turn.

Deploy Sulphate Aerosols Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite Support: -25 in green regions, -50 in denialist regions. Description: Direct the region to commence seeding the stratosphere with aerosol particles, reflecting the sun's heat back into space. Requires: Access to aerosol geoengineering technology.

This card slowly fills the planet's atmosphere with sulphate aerosols to direct the heat of the sun back into space. Every turn that these aerosols are being deployed, the planet's radiative forcing is reduced by 0.25.

Although sulphate aerosols should be harmless in moderate quantities, massive or prolonged use of them will create a significant difference between how hot the Earth is and how hot it should be , judging from the concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere measured in parts per million (PPM).

Very low concentrations of CO2 increases the chance and severity of flood and storms by 20. Low concentrations of CO2 increases the chance and severity of flood and storms by 10. Very high concentrations of CO2 increases the chance and severity of droughts by 20 and top soil erosion by 10. High concentrations of CO2 increases the chance and severity of droughts and top soil erosion by 10.

Industrial Carbon Regs. Editar.

Cost: $10 Time: 25 years Support: N/A Description: Provide regulatory support for industries to undertake all activities falling under the current trading price of carbon. Requires: Cap & trade initiatives must either be complete or being enacted.

This card starts a 25 year programme of introducing and building awareness of sustainable manufacturing techniques. Every turn this card is in place, industrial emissions will be reduced by 15%. By the time the programme is complete, industrial emissions in the region will have dropped to only 44.3% of what they'd be otherwise.

Make It Easy On Yourself Edit.

Cost: -$50 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Switch on easy mode. Requires: N/A.

This card can be used to turn on Easy Mode at the expense of losing one agent. Note that this can only be done once.

Pact with Thanatos Edit.

Cost: $100 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Accept the assistance of the rogue AI Thanatos to ensure that your Black Ops strategies will be implemented without disruption. Requires: Contact with Thanatos; there's a 50% chance of being contacted every turn that the player's evil score is over 5 and the headquarters for GEO is in a region with artificial intelligence technology.

This card forges a pact with an unstoppable rogue AI. Once the deal is made, Thanatos will assume control over the world's information networks, effectively locking the "evil meter" to 6 out of a possible 100; just high enough to use the evil policies without upsetting the global populace.

However, there's a catch; if the world's temperature goes over 2.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, there's a 50% chance each turn that Thanatos will decide humanity is too dangerous to live and will use the powers GEO has granted him to develop and release Gene-Plague Omega, a perfect bioweapon that wipes out 100% of Earth's population, ending the game in failure.

Police State Edit.

Cost: $0 Time: 5 years? Support: N/A Description: Overthrow a regional government. Requires: At least one region must have been successfully taken over by a regime change.

This is either a scrapped or unimplemented line of code. The card never appears since its not listed as a policy in the game files and it has no effects at all.

Prayer Edit.

Cost: $0 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Call for a miracle. Requires: At least 2 agents in the region and an atmospheric concentration greater than or equal to 850 ppmv.

Every turn that GEO agents focus the region on prayer, there's a 0.00001% chance that 1,184,680 metric tons of emissions will mysteriously vanish from the atmosphere.

Protect Land, Soil & Forests Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Negotiate suspension of deforestation in the region, and encourage reforestation. Also reduce emissions in agriculture through better land use and farming practices. Requires: N/A.

This project lasts for a few decades, and goes through three phases:. First, efforts are made to increase the yields and lower the toxicity of agriculture. Next, the logging industry and farmland expansion are tackled to stop deforestation in the region. Lastly, once deforestation has been stopped, large-scale reforestation and afforestation efforts are implemented.

While it would seem like a smart move to rely on Earth's natural CO2 scrubbers (Forests) to combat the rising emissions levels, humanity's ability to expand and pollute far outpaces natures ability to negate its effects. This project is good for increasing agricultural efficency and stopping rampant deforestation, it is not worth the time and money for negligible reforestation, which is better spent on limiting the human impact itself.

The project's effects on agriculture are its most opaque part. According to a look in the game's data files, the event "Grasslands Management" boosts yields by 14%, "Cropland Management Programme" by 15%, and "Rice Management Programme," which is limited to China, India and South Asia, boosts yields by 12%. "Methanogen Vaccines For Livestock" cuts yields by 0.5%, and "Organic Soils Restoration Programme" by 20%. All of these cut agriculture emissions. Afforestation events do not reduce agriculture. The agriculture efficiency boosts happen in order: 1. Grasslands Management 2. Rice Management Programme (if applicable) 3. Cropland Management Programme. These advances significantly reduce water stress.

Switch Transport to Electricity Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite (until all local freight and personal transportation is electric) Support: N/A Description: Convert the region's transport to electric power. Requires: A GDP per capita of $12,000 or more in the region.

This card starts an initiative to change a region's local transportation to using electricity instead of fossil fuels. International transportation will always require oil, thus making it a good idea not to deplete or ban all sources of it.

Although electric vehicles reduce the need for fossil fuels for transportation, it increases the need for electricity. Because of this, regions that primarily generate electricity using polluting sources will actually have increased emissions from electric vehicles, as more polluting power plants are developed to keep up with the demand for power.

Synthetic Feedstocks Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite (until the region's agricultural and industrial sectors no longer use oil or natural gas) Support: N/A Description: Switch the region to synthesising feedstocks using nanotech. Requires: 1st Generation Nanotechnology.

This card starts initiatives to get the region's agricultural and industrial sectors to use nanotechnology to create plastics, pesticides, fertilizers, and other resources they require. Every turn that the initiatives are in place, the amount of oil and natural gas the two sectors require will decrease while the amount of electricity they require increases. The initiatives continue until all farming and manufacturing in the region is done without oil or natural gas.

Like switching to electric transportation, this card can actually cause pollution and resource shortages if its enacted in a region that makes heavy use of fossil fuels to generate power.

Synthetic Oils Programme Edit.

Cost: $30 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Subsidise plants that create synthetic fuels from coal or gas. Requires: N/A.

This card increases the production ceilings for oil made by converting coal or natural gas by 50% every turn.

Tobin Tax Edit.

Cost: -$100 Time: Infinite Support: -100 Description: Create a tax on financial transactions, with all monies raised over the cost of collection going to the GEO. Requires: A Development Level of 3 or more and a Stability of 'even' or better.

This cards issues a tax on all exchanges of one currency to another in the region, earning GEO billions but angering the populace. In addition, as long as the tax is in place, the GDP per commercial worker is dropped by 15%, which may help stabilize the global economy by keeping commercial sectors from growing too large.

Vegetarian Revolution Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite (until the agricultural GDP per meat industry worker is under 20%) Support: -10 in denialist regions. Description: Raising animals for meat is an inefficient use of land, and contributes to world hunger and environmental damage. Start a revolution in eating habits. Requires: N/A.

This card starts an initiative to convince the region's population to adopt vegetarian diets. This helps the environment because farming plants is more efficient than livestock ranching. Naturally however, most people are reluctant to change their eating habits and the "revolution" will do nothing but anger people in any region with an Outlook worse than 'even.'

The first turn after this card is played in an accepting region, GEO will remove all subsidies to the meat industry in the region and encourage farmers to switch to crops. This transfers 0.1 points of the region's agricultural GDP from the ranching to farming, temporarily lowers the overall agricultural GDP by 10%, and reduces the water required per agricultural worker by 20%.

Every turn after the legislation is in place, the shift continues. This transfers another 0.2 points of the region's agricultural GDP from the ranching to farming, temporarily lowers the overall agricultural GDP by 20%, and reduces the water required per agricultural worker by 60%.

Once the agricultural GDP per meat industry worker in the region is under 20%, the initiative will be declared a success and finalized. This locks the farming GDP at 90% and the ranching GDP at 5% and further decreases the water required by agricultural workers by another 60%.

Environment Edit.

Abandon High Yield Crops Edit.

Cost: $30 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Subsidise the transition away from patent-dependant GM crops. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and having planted high yield crops.

This card dissolves the contracts with the GM companies that supply high yield crops to the region's farmers and switches them back to using unaltered crops. This prevents any patent disputes between the companies, causes the GDP per agricultural worker to return to its usual value, and boosts the amount of water the agriculture sector needs by 10%.

Adaptation To Heat And Droughts Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: +26 (-2 in denialist regions) Description: The people of the region will be safer if they alter their lifestyles to deal with the shifting climate. Help them through those changes. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and improved drought, wildfire and erosion defences.

Adapting a region to dry weather lowers the severity of droughts, erosion, and wildfires by 5.

Adaptation To Storms And Floods Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: +26 Description: The people of the region will be safer if they alter their lifestyle to deal with the shifting climate. Help them through those changes. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and improved storm, flood and coast defences.

Adapting a region to wet weather lowers the severity of storms and (oddly) erosion by 5. Adaptation does not lower the severity of storms; this, plus the adaptations affecting erosion severity, are likely mistakes.

Artificial Biomes Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: +5 in green regions, -25 in denialist regions. Description: Construct large-scale, high-tech managed habitats for at risk species and ecologies. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and access to 1st generation nanotechnology and quantum computers.

This card sets up "super zoos" for endangered animals in the region. This decreases the chance of animals in the region going extinct from deforestation, pollution, rising temperatures, or toxicity by 2 for as long as the biomes are funded.

Artificial Trees Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: Infinite Support: +25 usually (-50 in denialist regions) Description: Direct mass construction of carbon-absorbing installations in %(region)s. These will greatly mitigate anthropogenic emissions. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and access to 1st generation nanotechnology.

Every turn that a region is running artificial trees, 2000 metric tons of emissions are removed from the atmosphere. Artificial trees are the best way to effectively negate a region's emissions, even pushing the net amount into the negatives. By keeping these running in as many regions as possible, world-wide emissions should start to disappear.

Biotic Decontamination Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: Infinite Support: +25 Description: Release custom-made nanobots into the environment to neutralise dangerous compounds. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office, access to 1st generation nanotechnology and 3rd generation biofuels, and a toxicity density of 0.5%.

This card cleanses the local environment of toxins that cause sickness. Every turn that decontamination is occuring, the toxicity of the region is reduced by 40%.

Desalination Programme Edit.

Cost: $30 Time: Infinite Support: +25 Description: Construct thermo-ionic desalination plants in the region. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and access to thermo-ionic desalination technology.

This card builds plants that can create fresh water directly from the ocean by removing all the salt from seawater. This increases the amount of fresh water in the region by 2% every turn and the amount of fresh water the region can produce by 5%.

Drought, Erosion and Wildfire Defenses Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: 5 years Support: +25 (-50 in denialist regions) Description: Enact basic plans and prevention measures for drought. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office.

Improves the region's drought prevention and firefighting services in order to reduce the damage of heat and drought related natural disasters. It also improves the ability of a region to rebuild after a wildfire/drought and move on. However, the defenses may be proven inadequite for a more ferocious crisis, especially after strong temperature rises, or an inbalance in emissons to tempurature.

Enhanced Water Infrastructure Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: 5 years Support: +25 Description: Deploy state-of-the-art water processing and distribution systems to this region. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and a water management programme.

This card upgrades the region's water supply network even further, making all sectors of the economy require 20% less water and providing 15% more water every turn.

Environmental Protection Office Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: +25, but -50 in denialist regions. Description: Empower deployment of environmental defence and adaptation policies.

Unlocks environmental cards in the region.

Famine Relief Programme Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: Infinite Support: +25 Description: Establish a long-term food distribution and subsidation programme to reduce the chance of famine in this region. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and a local food supply under 500.

While this card is being played, political famines won't occur.

High Yield Crop Strains Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: 5 years Support: N/A (-25) Description: Subsidise the provision of proprietary Genetically-Modified crop strains to farmers in the region. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and access to high yield crops.

This card helps farmers buy genetically-modified crops which grow bigger, faster, and more efficiently than regular strains. Once planted, the new crops reduce the amount of water the agriculture sector requires drops by 10% and the GDP per agricultural worker will rise by 0.2 as the GM crops grow bigger and faster than normal crops. However, after 15 years, there's a 25% chance each turn that GM food corporations will get into patent disputes with farmers, terminating their contracts. This causes the GDP per agriculture worker to fall by 0.2 and causes -25 support every turn as the crops rapidly die off.

Improved Drought, Erosion and Wildfire Defenses Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: +25 (-50 in denialist regions) Description: Enact advanced plans and prevention measures for drought. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and basic Drought, Erosion and Wildfire Defenses.

Further improves the ability of a region to defend itself from the heat, using the best in fire defenses. To fully protect yourself from drought, you may also need to improve your water infrastructure. This card will block stronger weather events than the last, and often manages to save homes and farmland as well as lives in smaller disasters. However, it can still be bested by the hardest raging wildfires, especially in the late-game where rainfall is further reduced and the temperature is high.

Improved Storm, Flood and Coast Defenses Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: +25 (-50 in denialist regions) Description: Build advanced wind and water defenses to offset the increasing ravages of nature. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and basic Storm, Flood and Coast Defenses.

Further improves the ability of a region to defend itself from the tides, using the best in coastal defenses, barriers, and early warning systems. This card will block stronger weather events than the last, and often manages to save homes and farmland as well as lives in smaller disasters. However, it can still be bested by the most damaging flood events, especially in the late-game where Arctic ice is further receded and weather cycles are disrupted.

Meteorological AI Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite Support: +50 (-100 in denialist regions) Description: Deploy a sophisticated computer intelligence to watch climate patterns, and dispatch mitigation teams ahead of weather-related disasters. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and access to artificial intelligence technology.

This card installs an AI in the region to provide early warning and coordinate relief teams for climate disasters. Unlike building defenses or adapting to the climate, the AI lowers the severity of disasters instead of building up defenses against them; while the AI is online, the severity of droughts, floods, erosion, and storms is reduced by 4. The AI does not lower the severity of wildfires or rising sea levels.

Renew High Yield Crops Edit.

Cost: $60 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Renew contracts for proprietary Genetically-Modified crop strains in the region. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and having planted high yield crops at least 10 years ago.

This card renews the contracts with the GM companies that supply high yield crops to the region's farmers. Renewing the contracts this way resolves disputes between the companies and the farmers or prevents them from occurring. Mechanically, this boosts the GDP per agricultural worker by 20% and sets the 'age' of the high yield crop strains to 5 years; at least 10 years before there becomes a chance for patent disputes.

Repeal Conservation Measures Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: +25 in denialist regions, -5 in green regions. Description: Revoke funding for conservation policies in this region. Requires: Wild-life conservation must be enacted in the region.

This card dissolves the ecological reservations that the Wild-life Conservation card put up. Playing this increases the chances of animals in the region going extinct from deforestation, pollution, rising temperatures, or toxicity by 1. However, it also removes the legislation blocking deforestation, allowing the region's agriculture sector to grow bigger.

Storm, Flood and Coast Defenses Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: 5 years Support: +25 (-50 in denialist regions) Description: Build basic defenses to offset the increasing ravages of nature. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office.

Improves the region's coastal defenses and flood planning in order to reduce the damage of sea and water related natural disasters. It also improves the ability of a region to rebuild after a coastal disaster and move on. However, the defenses may be proven inadequite for any severe storms, especially as the sea level rises.

Subsidise Biochar Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: +25 Description: Incentivise people to turn biomass into charcoal and blend the product into soils. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office.

Every turn this card is played, emissions are reduced by 425 and the GDP per agricultural worker in the region is increased by 3%.

Switch to Conventional Farming Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: -5 in green regions Description: We use pesticides and fertilisers for a reason: to make crops grow and ensure plenty to eat. Throwing away decades of agricultural learning is folly. Return to conventional farming. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office and organic farming being used in the region.

This card switches farmers in the region from using organic means of growing plants back to conventional ones. This increases the resource requirements of the agriculture sector, which will require twice as much natural gas, ten times as much oil, and 42% more water. The one benefit of conventional farming is that it has a higher rate of return, increasing the GDP per agricultural worker by 34%.

Switch to Organic Farming Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: +5 in green regions Description: The use of pesticides and fertilisers may give higher yields, but pollutes waterways. Regulate farmers in the region to ensure they balance productivity with sustainability. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office.

This card switches farmers in the region from using conventional means of growing plants to organic ones. This reduces the resource requirements of the agriculture sector, which will require 50% less natural gas, 90% less oil, and 30% less water. Unfortunately, organic crops don't yield as much as normal, reducing the GDP per agricultural worker by 25%. As an added bonus, the lack of toxins in the ground increases the region's fresh water supply by 5%.

Water Management Programme Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: +25 Description: Water resources in this region are under stress. Fund upgrades to water processing and distribution systems to alleviate this issue. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office.

This card upgrades the region's water supply network, making all sectors of the economy require 10% less water and providing 8% more water every turn.

Wild-life Conservation Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: +25 (+5 in green regions) Description: Preserve endangered species and habitats by working with local communities to sustainably manage sanctuaries. Requires: An Environmental Protection Office.

This card sets up ecological reservations for endangered animals in the region. This decreases the chance of animals in the region going extinct from deforestation, pollution, rising temperatures, or toxicity by 1. However, protecting land like this lowers the amount of deforestation that can happen and limits the size of the region's agriculture sector.

Technology Edit.

Acquire <tech> Editar.

Cost: $50 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Fund the region's acquisition of a technology from a partner region that has the tech. Requires: A technology office in the region.

There's an acquire card for each technology in the game. Playing these cards allows the region to get access to a technology that's been discovered elsewhere. Acquire cards work by essentially making the region's research strand value become the value required for the technology; Acquire Quantum Computing, for example, gives the region 2090 points in infotech research. However, technologies must be acquired in order; a region that has less than 2030 points of infotech research would need to first acquire smart grids then quantum computing.

Advanced Materials Research Programme Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Provide GEO funding to support advanced materials research in the region. Requires: A technology office in the region.

This card advances the region's materials research strand by 2 additional years every turn its played.

Biotech Research Programme Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Provide GEO funding to support biotech research in the region. Requires: A technology office in the region.

This card advances the region's biotech research strand by 2 additional years every turn its played.

Cold Fusion Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Low energy nuclear reactors will sweep away the world\'s energy worries. Seriously invest in them. Requires: A technology office in the region.

Does nothing. Possibly a left over bit of scrapped code or an as-of-yet unimplemented technology. It is also possible it was included as a joke. Its description sarcastically states "seriously invest in them" which may be a reference to Cold Fusion's controversial reputation in mainstream science.

Energy Research Programme Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Provide GEO funding to support energy research in the region. Requires: A technology office in the region.

This card advances the region's energy research strand by 2 additional years every turn its played.

Infotech Research Programme Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Provide GEO funding to support information technology research in the region. Requires: A technology office in the region.

This card advances the region's infotech research strand by 2 additional years every turn its played.

Regional Technology Office Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: +25 Description: Unlock a wealth of new technology options for the region. Requires: N/A.

Unlocks technology cards in the region.

Robotics Research Programme Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Provide GEO funding to support robotics research in the region. Requires: A technology office in the region.

This card advances the region's robotics research strand by 2 additional years every turn its played.

Resources Edit.

Decline Coal Power Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: Infinite (until no coal is used to generate power in the region) Support: Depends on the region's Outlook; green regions support production declines while consumerist regions resist them. Description: Decline the region's dependency on coal for electricity generation.

Decline Gas Power Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: Infinite (until no natural gas is used to generate power in the region) Support: Depends on the region's Outlook; green regions support production declines while consumerist regions resist them. Description: Decline the region's dependency on gas for electricity generation.

Decline Nuclear Power Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: Infinite (until no uranium is used to generate power in the region) Support: Depends on the region's Outlook; green regions support production declines while consumerist regions resist them. Description: Decline the region's dependency on nuclear power for electricity generation.

Decline Oil Power Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: Infinite (until no oil is used to generate power in the region) Support: Depends on the region's Outlook; green regions support production declines while consumerist regions resist them. Description: Decline the region's dependency on oil for electricity generation.

Expand Biofuels Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Biofuels offer humanity an excellent opportunity for emissions-neutral fuel and petrochemical production. Increase the region's commitment to their production. Requires: A regional energy office and a limit on biofuels under 50%.

Every turn this card is played, the limit on biofuels increases by 5%.

Expand Coal Production Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite Support: -5 in green regions Description: Coal is a plentiful fuel with many useful applications. and whose emissions can potentially be mitigated by CCS technologies. Increase its production in the region. Requires: A regional energy office.

Every turn this card is played, the production ceilings for hard and soft coal increase by 20%, the production ceiling for synthetic oil made from coal increases by 50%, and the fraction of hard and soft coal recoverable in the region increases by 2.5%.

Expand Natural Gas Production Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite Support: -2 in green regions Description: Gas is increasingly plentiful, with relatively low emissions and many uses: it's the ideal groundbed for a transition economy. Increase its production in the region. Requires: A regional energy office.

Every turn this card is played, the production ceilings for conventional, deep, tight, and clathrate natural gas increase by 20%, the production ceiling for synthetic oil made from natural gas increases by 50%, and the fraction of conventional, deep, tight, and clathrate natural gas recoverable in the region increases by 2.5%.

Expand Oil Production Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite Support: -5 in green regions Description: The World still possesses a great deal of oil, despite declining production. Push to recover as much of this vital resource as possible. Requires: A regional energy office.

Every turn this card is played, the production ceilings for conventional, shale, and tar sand oil increase by 20% and the fraction of conventional, shale, and tar sand oil recoverable in the region increases by 2.5%.

Lift Regional Ban: <resource> Editar.

Cost: $10 Time: 5 years Support: Varies Description: Varies Requires: A regional energy office and a global or regional ban on a resource type.

This undoes a ban on a resource. Global bans can be selectively lifted in certain regions this way.

Regional Ban: 1st Gen Biofuels Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Forbid the region from using 1st generation biofuels in transport. Requires: A regional energy office.

Regional Ban: 2nd Gen Biofuels Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Forbid the region from using 2nd generation biofuels in transport. Requires: A regional energy office.

Regional Ban: 3rd Gen Biofuels Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Forbid the region from using 3rd generation biofuels in transport. Requires: A regional energy office.

Regional Ban: Clathrates Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Forbid the region from exploiting its reserves of clathrates for natural gas fuel. Requires: A regional energy office.

It's usually a very good idea to ban clathrate exploitation as soon as possible, due to the dangers involved. Once artificial intelligence becomes available, AIs will make clathrate exploitation safe. After that, the ban can be safely lifted in any region with AI technology.

Regional Ban: Shale & Tight Gas Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Forbid the region from exploiting its reserves of shale and tight gas. Requires: A regional energy office.

Regional Ban: Unconventional Oils Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Forbid the region from exploiting its reserves of tar sands and shale oil. Requires: A regional energy office.

Regional Energy Office Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: +25 Description: Enable energy policy-making in %(region)s. These may diverge from global legislation. Requires: N/A.

Unlocks resource cards in the region.

Sociedade Editar.

Baby Boom Edit.

Cost: $15 Time: Infinite Support: +1 in nationalist regions Description: Campaign in the region to promote larger families. Requires: A welfare office in the region and a birth rate under 21.

This card starts a campaign of promoting the region to have more children, adding 0.5 to the birth rate modifier every turn. If this card is played on the same turn that a one-child policy is enforced in the region, the conflict between what GEO wants and what it allows will drop support in the region by 50.

Eco-Awareness Campaign Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: +25 usually, -25 if the region is denialist. Description: Persuade the people of the region of the stark realities of climate change - to encourage them to accept environmental legislation, and be more realistic in their expectations. Requires: N/A.

This card starts a campaign of getting the region's populace to be more aware of the environment. Every turn this card is enacted, the region's outlook will shift 2 points towards being greener. Playing this card in a number of countries has the effect of creating a global shift which allows the country with the Headquarters to play the "New Green Deal" card after a few turns.

Educational Enrolment Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: Infinite Support: +25 Description: The region's people would like broader access to education. Direct funds toward both increasing the number of classrooms and subsidising local students to get to them. Requires: A welfare office in the region and a literacy rate under 75%.

This card funds education in the region, increasing the literacy rate by 10% every turn. If an integration program is in place in the region, this card will also drop regional nationalism by 1 every turn.

End Integration Program Edit.

Cost: $5 Time: 5 years Support: +3 in nationalist regions Description: End our commitment to economic integration of refugees in the region. Requires: An ongoing integration program.

This card ends all GEO support for integrating the region's immigrants. Playing this card removes all the effects of the integration program.

Emergency Housing Relief Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: Infinite Support: +25 Description: Residential services are at unacceptable levels in the region. Fund affordable, eco-friendly residential areas. Requires: A welfare office in the region and crowded houses.

This card initiates the construction of sustainable housing in the region. Every turn that houses are being built, the average number of people per house, the amount of energy houses use, and the amount of local and international personal transportation will all drop by 20%. In addition, if an integration program is in place in the region, this card will also drop regional nationalism by 1 every turn.

Grow Agriculture Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Envigorate employment in the agricultural sector with development funding for companies. Requires: N/A.

Every turn this card is played, the number of workers in the region's agricultural sector increases by about 3%, the size the sector can grow increases by 25%, the amount of work each worker can do increases by 5%, and the sector itself grows by 2%.

Grow Commerce Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Envigorate employment in the commercial sector with development funding for companies. Requires: N/A.

Every turn this card is played, the number of workers in the region's commercial sector increases by about 3%, the size the sector can grow increases by 25%, and the amount of work each worker can do increases by 5%.

Note this increases the risk of a financial collapse (caused when the commerce sector grows too large relative to the sum of the Agricultural and Industry sectors).

Grow Industry Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Envigorate employment in the industrial sector with development funding for companies. Requires: N/A.

Every turn this card is played, the number of workers in the region's industrial sector increases by about 3%, the size the sector can grow increases by 25%, and the amount of work each worker can do increases by 5%.

Higher Education Programme Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: Infinite Support: +25 Description: The region has many people wishing to reach their full potential. Spend GEO funds to sponsor higher education as a sensible investment in the region's future. Requires: A welfare office in the region and a literacy rate over 74% but below 99%.

This card funds tertiary education institutes and encourages the population to enroll in universities and academies, increasing the literacy rate of the region by 5% every turn.

Integration Program Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: Infinite Support: -2 in regions with high nationalism. Description: Help the dispossessed find a place in the region. Requires: A welfare office in the region.

This card puts in place programs to help integrate immigrants to the region, helping them find jobs, medical treatment, education, and housing as well as adapting to the culture of their new home. Once this card is played, there's a 75% chance that nationalism in the region will decrease by 1. In addition, if a job-sharing initiative, educational enrollment, or emergency housing relief programme is played in a region while the integration program is funded, nationalism will decrease by 1 per welfare programme.

Job-Sharing Initiative Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: +25 usually, -5 in green regions. Description: Unemployment in this region has reached critical levels. Institute a job-share scheme across all sectors, to ensure that as many people as possible have paid work. Requires: A welfare office in the region and an unemployment rate of at least 10%.

This card sets up an initiative to get people working, even if businesses have to hire more people than they require. Every turn this card is played, the size of the region's agricultural, industrial, and commercial sectors will increase by 20% each while the GDP each sector gets from its workers drops by 5%. In addition, if an integration program is in place in the region, this card will also drop regional nationalism by 1 every turn. Once the unemployment rate drops under 10%, the initiative will be declared a success, giving the region +50 support.

Late Retirement Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: +25 Description: Extend the retirement age by 10 years. Requires: A welfare office in the region, a retirement age under 90, and a life expectancy of at least 80 and a literacy rate over 74% but below 99%.

This card passes legislation to extend the age of retirement, allowing/forcing workers to continue working for another decade before they're eligible for retirement. Currently, this card can never appear, since it requires a policy that doesn't exist. This card may be a scrapped or unimplemented card.

Mass Relocation Edit.

Cost: $40 Time: Infinite Support: -75 Description: Adapt the region to climate change by moving entire towns and cities to more sustainable areas. Requires: A welfare office and the signing of the International Climate Refugee Treaty.

This card initiates the relocation of people in the region to safer areas. Every turn mass relocations are taking place, 2% of the region's population immigrate to other regions and the severity of floods and rising sea levels are reduced by 1. Unfortunately, being forced to move their homes reduces the contentment and stability of the region's population by 1.

Market AI Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite Support: +50 Description: Deploy an AI to monitor and guide industrial and commercial activity in this region: yielding enhanced productivity. Requires: A welfare office in the region and access to artificial intelligence technology.

This card installs an AI to improve productivity and make sure the economy doesn't spiral out of control. Every turn the AI is monitoring the economy, the GDP per worker of all three economic sectors doubles in size, keeping them in balance with each other.

Medical Welfare Programme Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: Infinite Support: +25 Description: Address issues of public health in the region, including inoculation programmes against disease and basic healthcare provision for all. Requires: A welfare office in the region and a rate of sickness that's at least 10%.

This card subsidizes the healthcare of the region its played in, reducing the number of people incapacitated from disease or injury by 25%. Once the fraction of the population that's sick falls below 10%, the programme will complete.

Nano-Medicine Programme Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite Support: +50 Description: Deploy the latest nano-medicine techniques, consigning the vast majority of illnesses and ailments in %(region)s to the history books. Requires: A welfare office in the region and access to nano-medicine technology.

This card deploys nano-medicines to the region's healthcare systems, locking the fraction of the population that's sick to a mere 0.001% for as long as the system is funded.

One-Child Policy Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: -25 Description: Mandate a one-child policy in the region, limiting family sizes. Requires: A welfare office in the region.

This card starts a campaign of promoting the region to have less children, reducing the region's birth rate modifier by 50% every turn. If this card is played on the same turn that a baby boom campaign is running in the region, the conflict between what GEO wants and what it allows will drop support in the region by 50.

Reduce Working Week Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Varies, at least 5 years Support: +3 in green regions Description: Limit the number of hours people can work each week. Requires: A welfare office in the region, a Development Level of 2 or more, and an unemployment rate greater than 5%.

This card initiates a campaign of getting businesses in the region to accept a reduced working week, giving people more leisure time. While this campaign is going on, the GDPs per worker of all three economic sectors will be reduced by 10%, the number of workers in each sector increases by 10%, and the size of each sector decreases by 10%. If the GDP per capita is at least $40,000, there's a 60% chance that the legislation will be accepted, making the decreased GDPs per worker permanent. If the measure isn't accepted, 8% of the new workers will be fired, all three sectors will grow back by 5%, and the 50 points of support in the region will be lost.

Relocation Assistance Edit.

Cost: $15 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Make it easier for individuals and families to migrate to other regions. Requires: A welfare office and no regional emigration controls.

This card helps people in the region move to safer areas. Every turn GEO assists with relocations, 0.2% of the region's population immigrate to other regions and the severity of floods, rising sea levels, storms, and droughts are reduced by 1. Unfortunately, traveling like this reduces the contentment and stability of the region's population by 1.

Repeal Working Week Legislation Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: -3 in green regions Description: Restore longer work hours so that the region is more competitive in the global market. Requires: A reduced working week must have been accepted in the region.

This card repeals the legislation that reduced the legal working week. This increases the GDP per worker in all three economic sectors by 10% and the size of each sector by 5%. Unfortunately, 10% of workers from all three sectors will become unemployed due to businesses being unable to afford longer hours for all their workers.

Regional Welfare Office Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: +25 Description: Unlock urgent aid and civil development assistance for the region.

Unlocks social cards in the region.

Transport Efficiency Investment Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: -5 in green regions. Description: Improve the region's road and rail network to facilitate development. Requires: A welfare office in the region and a Development Level of 2 or less.

This card builds new and more efficient transportation networks in the region, helping to clear traffic problems and transport stress. Every turn this card is played, the amount of local transport required by the region's industrial sector, commercial personnel, and residents is reduced by 10% while the amount of local transport required by the region's agriculture sector and commercial freight is reduced by 5%.

Political Edit.

Bookburning Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: History teaches that there's nothing like a good old-fashioned book burning to quash the advance of knowledge. Requires: An evil score of 6 or more.

Despite the description, this card does not decrease literacy but does prevent the region from gaining research points based on its HDI level. It can prevent regions from gaining the efficiency improvements from super-smart grids and advanced turbines. Yay.

Border Enforcement Edit.

Cost: $20 Time: Infinite Support: +1 in militant and/or nationalist regions Description: In breach of international conventions, authorise border security to kill. Requires: A political office.

This card allows the border guards of the region to use deadly force against anyone attempting to enter the region without the proper paperwork. Every turn that a region's borders are being lethally enforced, the number of people who die while trying to enter the region increases by 2%.

Covert Sterilisation Edit.

Cost: $100 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: People in this region are having far too many babies. If we dose the water supply with contraceptives for the next five years, we should be able to put a brake on things. Authorise covert sterilisation. Requires: Black ops funding.

Every turn that a region is being covertly sterilized, the birth rate will be locked at a quarter and the evil of GEO will go up by 1. This is very effective in reducing overpopulation though, if overdone, the population of a region can be devastated from the lack of children.

Declare Martial Law Edit.

Cost: $100 Time: 5 years Support: +100 Description: We must bring fighting in %(region)s to an end as swiftly as possible. Deploy security contractors to support local governments in bringing the situation under control. Requires: A political office in the region and a stability less than -10.

This card deploys private military forces to the area to quickly bring the region under the control of its governments. When played, it forces the stability of the region back to 0 and reduces militancy by 2.

Develop Bio-Weapons Edit.

Cost: $100 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Establish labs to develop genetically-tailored viruses that will allow us to cull regional populaces in a controlled manner. Requires: The region must have funded "Deep Black Ops"

This card allows gene-plagues to be developed and unleashed on the world. Initiating the development of biological weapons will increase the evil of GEO by 3.

Disinformation Edit.

Cost: $15 Time: Infinite Support: +10 Description: Distract the region's attention from the harsh realities of fuel crises and climate change with an endless media torrent of light entertainment and celebrity gossip. Requires: Black ops funding.

This card swamps the region's airwaves with flashy but ultimately empty entertainment, distracting people from GEO's activities and removing 1 point from GEO's evil score every turn.

Emigration Controls Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: 5 years Support: -25 Description: Limit movement of people out of the region, to avoid losing valuable workers. Requires: A political office.

This card prevents a majority of people from legally leaving the region, effectively ending all emigration from the area.

Encourage Consumption Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: -25 Description: Encourage people in the region to move away from excessive saving, and towards spending needed for a robust economy. Requires: N/A.

This card starts a campaign of getting the region's populace to spend more money and dream of bigger and better luxuries. Every turn this card is enacted, the region's outlook will shift 2 points towards being consumerist. Consumerist outlooks are rarely good for GEO, humanity, or the planet as a whole, but playing this card can sometimes be a tactical choice. For example, materialistic cultures spend more money and thus have more robust economies. However, because encouraging consumption also results in higher emissions, lower contentment, and a loss of support, there's usually much better, safer solutions to these sorts of problems.

Executive Incentives Edit.

Cost: $100 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Funnel $100 billion of GEO funds into luxury properties and off-shore bank accounts. Requires: An evil score of 6 or more.

This card allows the player to secret away and spend GEO's funds on personal luxuries, increasing their final score by 10 every turn they keep their hand in the till. Of course, this is a very corrupt action and will increase the evil rating by 1 every turn its done.

Fund Black Ops Edit.

Cost: $100 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: We have established a covert presence in the region; now instigate Black Ops projects to further your ends. Requires: A political office in the region.

This card establishes a black ops division in the region, giving GEO access to illegal abilities and powers. Once a black ops presence is established in a region, GEO can fund insurgency campaigns, covertly sterilize the population, attempt a regime change, disseminate disinformation, and blame individual GEO agents for illegal activities. Further, more radical powers can be unlocked by funding deep black ops as well. Even if none of these actions are taken, establishing a black ops presence shows GEO's willingness to break the law to achieve its ends, thus increasing its evilness by 1.

Fund Deep Black Ops Edit.

Cost: $200 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Sometimes, to do good, you must do evil things. The region's problems can only be solved with very strong, dispassionate actions. Requires: Black ops funding.

This card funds more extreme black ops tasks than normal. Its main use is as a stepping stone for developing bio-weapons and unleashing the first engineered plague on the region. Even if neither of these actions are taken, funding deep black ops shows GEO's willingness to commit genocide to achieve its ends, thus increasing its evilness by 2.

Fund Insurgency Campaign Edit.

Cost: $100 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Political stability in the region is complicating our plans. Covertly fund local insurgency groups to unsettle the populace and make them more biddable. Requires: Black ops funding.

This card funds waves of terrorist attacks and assassinations in the region. Every turn its played, all three economic sectors will shrink by 2% due to the disruptions, regional stability will drop by 5 points, and the evil of GEO will increase by 3. The main strategic benefit of this card is to make a region a better target for a regime change.

Fund Law Enforcement Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: These are troubling times in the region. Supporting their police force will ensure that our projects proceed more smoothly. Requires: A political office in the region and a stability of 0 or better.

This card funds regional police, helping them keep the area stable. When played, it increases stability by 3 and reduces militancy by 1. Unfortunately, the added police presence also reduces contentment by 5.

Gene-Plague Alpha Edit.

Cost: $100 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: We must thin the herd to save the species. This engineered virus is tailored to the DNA of the region's inhabitants. Order it be used. Requires: The region must have funded "Deep Black Ops" and bio-weapons must have been developed somewhere in the world (not necessarily the same region).

This unleashes a DNA-targetting engineered virus on the region, causing 25% of its inhabitants to die in a single turn and doubling the number of people hospitalized from illness. Unleashing such a plague increases the evil of GEO by 4.

Gene-Plague Beta Edit.

Cost: $100 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Gene-Plague Alpha worked well, but didn't go far enough. Gene-Plague Beta is twice as effective, so it must be twice as good. Order it be used. Requires: Gene-Plague Alpha must have been unleashed somewhere in the world (not necessarily the same region).

This unleashes a DNA-targetting engineered virus on the region, causing 50% of its inhabitants to die in a single turn and insuring that 80% of the survivors are left hospitalized from illness. Unleashing such a plague increases the evil of GEO by 10.

Gene-Plague Gamma Edit.

Cost: $100 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Our scientists have developed the perfect biological weapon, guaranteed to wipe a region 99.9% clear of human life. Order it be used. Requires: Gene-Plague Beta must have been unleashed somewhere in the world (not necessarily the same region).

This unleashed a DNA-targetting engineered virus on the region, causing all of its inhabitants to die in a single turn and preventing any resource extraction or deforestation caused by humanity. Unleashing such a plague increases the evil of GEO by 15.

Last-Chance Gourmet Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: The region has numerous species of wildlife very close to extinction. It would be criminal to allow them to pass into history without finding out what they taste like. Requires: An evil score of 6 or more.

While this card is active, hunting endangered animals for food will be a trend in the region. This increases the chance of animals in the region going extinct from deforestation, pollution, rising temperatures, or toxicity by 1.

Political Office Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: 5 years Support: N/A Description: Enable direct intervention in the region as needed to further GEO objectives.

Unlocks political cards in the region and increases regional stability by 1.

Prospect in Wildlife Reserve Edit.

Cost: $25 Time: Infinite Support: -10 in green regions. Description: Just look at all this breathtaking natural beauty. Order it cut down and dug up for resources!

Every turn this card is active, there's a chance of discovering 5% more conventional oil, hard coal, or natural gas in the region. Though there should be a chance to find 5% more uranium, a bug in the coding causes oil to be discovered instead, though it's reported as uranium. Regardless of whether or not any resources are found, playing this card destroys 10,000 trees (similar to a large wildfire) and raises the player's evilness by 1 every turn.

Provide Security Assistance Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: 5 years Support: +50 Description: Regional governments in the region are struggling to maintain control. Deploy security contractors to help them in their plight. Requires: A political office in the region and a stability less than 0 but greater than or equal to -10.

This card deploys private military forces to the area to help regional governments regain control. When played, it increases stability by 5 and reduces militancy by 1. By itself, this is mostly good for keeping a region from destabilizing further; there's usually underlying issues and reasons for the instability that must be solved before the region truly becomes safe.

Red Tape Edit.

Cost: $10 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: The production and energy sectors in %(region)s are intolerably efficient. Draft a raft of wasteful regulations to fix them. Requires: N/A.

Every turn this card is played, the amount of electricity and fossil fuels required by all sectors of the region's economy will go up by 5%.

Regime Change Edit.

Cost: $100 Time: 5 years Support: +500 on success, -300 on failure. Description: The leaders of this region are unacceptably inimical to the GEO. Have them replaced with more biddable alternatives. Requires: Black ops funding.

This action attempts to rig the ballots of elections in the region so that radical ecological parties will appear to win landslide victories in elections, forcing the region to adopt a green outlook with a value of 5. Naturally, this is a very corrupt action and results in the evil of GEO increasing by 5, whether or not the ploy is successful. The chance of the scandal being discovered depends on the stability of the region. It may be a strategically good idea to purposefully destabilize a region by funding insurgency campaigns before attempting a regime change.

0% chance of success if Stability is greater than 10 25% chance of success if Stability is greater than 5 but less than or equal to 10 50% chance of success if Stability is greater than 0, but less than or equal to 5 80% chance of success if Stability is greater than -5, but less than or equal to 0 100% chance of success if Stability is less than or equal to -5.

Relax Borders Edit.

Cost: $5 Time: 5 years Support: -2 in nationalist regions Description: Put an end to the restrictive immigration policies in the region. Requires: A political office.

This card instantly relaxes all border restrictions and sets the region's migration wall to 90%, allowing as much immigration to the region as possible.

Relax Emigration Controls Edit.

Cost: $5 Time: 5 years Support: 25 Description: Restore migration freedoms for people leaving the region. Requires: A political office and emigratin controls.

This card undoes any restrictions on emigrating from the region, allowing people to leave whenever they wish.

Scapegoat Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: 5 years Support: +25 Description: The GEO is coming under scrutiny for its actions. Take the heat off by letting one of your agents in the region cop the blame. Requires: An evil score of 6 or more.

This card randomly selects one of the agents in the region (not necessarily the one used to enact it) who will then be blamed for all the illegal and corrupt actions GEO has taken. The agent will then be handed over to the authorities in the region (earning some support) and the apparent evilness of GEO will be reduced by 5.

Security AI Edit.

Cost: $50 Time: Infinite Support: N/A Description: Deploy a heavily networked artificial intelligence to administrate security and policing in this region: preventing social unrest. Requires: A political office in the region and access to artificial intelligence technology.

This card puts the security of the region under the control of a vast and powerful artificial intelligence. Every turn the security AI is online, it increases the stability of the region by 15 and reduces militancy by 10, making it much cheaper and more effective than declaring martial law or providing security assistance. However, the general populace find this policy Orwellian at best, reducing their contentment by 10 every turn.

Tighten Borders Edit.

Cost: $15 Time: 5 to 15 years (until regional migration hits 0%) Support: +2 in nationalist regions Description: Strengthen borders to make it harder for people to seek refuge in the region. Requires: A political office.

This card slowly raises security along the region's borders, reducing the region's migration wall by 30% each turn until it hits 0% and immigration to the region becomes impossible.


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